Chapter Seventeen

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Clara POV
After we took off I let go of her horns and threw them in the air rocky style.
"Woohoo! Hells Yeah bitches! Woo!" I shouted adrenaline filling my veins.
"Hahaha I'm glad you're enjoying the ride, but it we should probably alert the king of my finding a rider before the Dragon Corp can come up with some sort of lie to convince him that you'd been kidnapped or something." Guinevere said laughing.
"Kay Gwen, wait, we're going over the town right?" I responded as a sly grin made its way onto my face.
"Yeah... what are you planning?"  She asked suspiciously
"Oh nothing, but how better to get the word out that you have a rider than showing the people ourselves?" I said smiling innocently. A sly grin lit up her face as she caught on to what I meant.
"I'm in."
(Time skip)
As we started flying over the town I heard people screaming and saw them start to scatter.
"Just like we discussed!" I shouted wrapping my legs around her neck as she flipped upside-down. Hanging from her neck I shouted,
"There's a new rider in town folks and her name is Clara MacKenzie Smith!" Then flying over the town plastics I smirked and shouted at the top of my lungs,
"LOOK AT ME NOW BITCHES! WOO!" And with that Guinevere flipping upright and I released my grip on her neck.
"Now then, let's get you home huh Gwen?"

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