Chapter Three

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Cain POV
I had just dismounted when I noticed a missing weight in my left pocket. In a sudden panic my hands flew to my pockets as I patted them my eyes widened to the size of dragon scales.
"Oh shit!" I shouted jumping back in the saddle "Sorry Excaliber, one last trip, life or death." I added as we took off for the third time that day. As we flew across the veil I noticed that we were aimed directly at the front of the brick building where I had lost one of my prized possessions, or part of it at least. I deadpanned as I realized that we were on a collision course with the entrance.
"Ah hell." I muttered just as we crashed into the building and right through into the main foyer. Brushing off brick dust and broken glass I, for the thousandth time, dismounted and holding my head high shouted:
"One of you found a piece of wood earlier today! Would whoever found it come out now?" Everyone merely gawked at Excaliber and I as if we were from another planet... which admittedly we technically were but one girl waded her way through the crowd to stand in front of me. Looking at her she was admittedly quite beautiful: pale, but not porcelain, skin; brown hair, but not an Auburn color merely a simple ash color; and shamrock green eyes. Nothing about her was strikingly beautiful but the features put together made for a simple, natural beauty that at first took my breath away. But after a moment she asked loud enough for everyone to hear,
"You guys are seeing the dragon too right? Cuz I'm off my meds."

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