Chapter Twenty-three

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Clara POV
I was with Lydia in her room. She was showing me the magic she'd been learning, she called it script.
"All I have to do is place my finger against something and write out the command!" She said beaming. I smiled back as she demonstrated for me. Then in the back of my mind I suddenly felt an unfamiliar jolt and her magic, which she was using to make a doll sing, stopped working. Both of our smiles vanished, mine turning to a look of confusion and hers one of suspicion as she asked,
"How did you do that?" I just shook my head my bewilderment showing clear on my face. At this point her suspicion turned to a glare and she darkly stated,
"In all of Albion only the royal family can use magic so how did you do that?!" Her voice took on a much darker tone as she glared ferociously at me.
"Look Lyd, I-I have no clue how that happened, I don't even know that it was me! How's about we just forget it happened yeah? Besides it's not like magic is even within my capacity so...." I looked at her anxiously as I saw a malicious glint begin to shine in her eyes. She just glared and coldly reminded me that I should get training for my upcoming fight. I made my way to the door and took one last look at her as she sat on her bed staring at the floor. I should have stopped.... I should have taken her to her parents and asked them what was happening to her.... instead I consigned thousands of people to a greater suffering than I'd ever thought possible.

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