Chapter Five

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Clara POV
Once we were in the air I marveled at how high up we were. I also noticed how strong the dragon was. Unlike what I expected it wasn't scaly in the sense that it had hard plating instead it had soft almost Supple skin that I could feel the dragon's muscles through as they contracted and convulsed. As we flew we crossed some sort of spider web looking barrier made of light. I felt exhilaration fill my veins as adrenaline started pounding in my ears. Looking down now, instead of seeing the school and its surrounding area, we were flying over a vast forest that spread out for as far as I could see. Just then I thought of a question I'd been asking myself for a little while. I reached into my backpack which I had failed to remove before mounting and withdrew a red paperback book and flipped through the pages to the section on dragons:
The female is generally larger and more aggressive than the male though neither should be approached by any but highly skilled and trained wizards. I thought about the dragon I was riding and I decided that it didn't seem to be extremely aggressive and I'm no expert but I assumed that dragons could be bigger than this guy. So to test my theory I turned to look at the blonde boy and shouted over the wind,
"What's his name?" He frowned and responded,
"Your dragon! What's his name?" He looked suprised for a moment before replying.
"Excaliber! His name's Excaliber!" I smiled and turned back around. But as I did so I must have leaned a bit too far to the right because as I turned I realized with a sinking feeling that I was slipping off. In a matter of moments I was falling through the air.

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