Rogue One Rebels Assemble

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Update as of 05/07: If you're wondering why this chapter was republished, it's because I needed to fix pieces of it.

IMPORTANT SERIOUS NOTE!!!! PLEASE READ!!! Okay, so you don't need to read this part but I need to work on the part 3 of the name games so this is a filler parody song chapter.

OKAY NOW READ: Recently, I've talked to quite a few people over social media (I don't have many friends irl) who have been depressed or have felt suicidal.

I'd like to tell all my readers that if there is something that is upsetting you and you need someone to talk to and blow off steam, I am more than willing to listen. I will stay up all night talking to you if that's what it takes. But no matter what, please don't take your lives. While we may not know each other by first name and what each other's favorite color is, you are all considered family to me and it will destroy me if you think taking your life is the best solution.

On a side note, I went to a class once about drug testing and one of the things that was brought up was antidepressants. I was told that antidepressants have a tendency to backfire unless whoever is taking them is at the bottom of the hole and there is seriously nothing that will help them find peace. Antidepressants have a tendency to make adolescents more suicidal, though adults can have the same symptoms. I will admit I was a little skeptical about this at first. But recently, a few of my social media friends (will not name which ones) have been feeling suicidal. I spent a good few hours trying to convince them to not take their lives. I later find out that their antidepressants caused them to feel this way.

So please, don't hesitate to stop doing something that upsets you and don't feel afraid to message me.
Aside from that, let's get on to das chapter.

I don't own anything.
Orson Krennic: Let's sing about the entire Rogue One Movie.

Jyn Erso: *sobs hysterically*

Orson Krennic: *sighs*

Cassian Andor: I like that idea

Everyone: Me too!

Lyra Erso: I will start!

Gaylen: OKay Wt song are we singing to

Lyra Erso: That song that's become a major earworm for me. What Makes You Beautiful

Baze Îmwe: 1D?? Srsly Lyra

Lyra Erso: EARWORM BAZE!!!

Chirrut Îmwe: Awwww Baze I love that band

Baze Îmwe:

Eren Jaëger: Anyone notice how Lyra rhymes with Kira?

Light Yagami: L! EREN FOUND KIRA!!

Eren Jaëger: No I've been binge watching Death Note with my friend Armin and my sister Mikasa and I thought Lyra rhymed with Kira

Eren Jaëger: (spoiler alert: Light's Kira)

Gaylen: Can we get on to the parody??

Lyra Erso: Here we go!

A/N: It's the whole song from here out.
Lyra Erso: He's come for us.

Gaylen: We know what for.
Lyra is dead, Jyn's with Saw, Cass is a traitor.

Jyn Erso: Wobani camp, we meet K2.

Bodhi Rook: I need to find Saw but these guys are kind of rude.

Cassian Andor: Questioning Jyn, I have doubts about her
Trust has to go both wa-ays.

Rogue 6: We're gonna light up that weapon like no one else!

Chirrut and Baze Îmwe: We will take out these stormtroopers by ourselves.

Saw Gererra: Bor Gullet will know the truth, and he'll know it well

Gaylen: I sent a message, oh!
Rogue One Rebels Assemble!

Chirrut Îmwe: If I'm right the pilot's next to me.

Cassian Andor: He's got Galen's message, we need him desperately!

K-2SO: PILOT² MOMENT! OH SNAP! There's no horizon, eek!

Orson Krennic: My achievement! Not yours!

Saw Gererra: Run like hell! I'll fight no more.

Orson Krennic: Mine! Not yours!

Saw Gererra: I will die. I'll fight no more.

Cassian Andor: Now C-come on, fly to Eadu.
I'll snipe Galen

Other 5: I'm following!

Orson Krennic: Hey, guess what? I'm here too!

Galen Erso: Rebellion strike, I'm gonna die.

Jyn Erso: Hello Papa

Galen Erso: Hi Stardust


Bodhi Rook: Council's against it, but I want to fight.

Baze Îmwe: How many do we need?

Rogue 6: We're going to Scarif. The mission's suicide,
But somebody has to do it to make things right.
Make ten men feel like a hundred, let's win this fight!
Krennic, you do not know
Your Death Star is gonna blow!

Orson Krennic: Are we all blind? Deploy the garrison!
We'll get these rebels and I'll earn a promotion!
I'll chase Jyn around, after I shoot Cassian!
You will not win, oh!

Rogue 6: Rogue One Rebels Assemble!

Orson Krennic: No, oh oh!

Rogue 6: Rogue One Rebels Assemble!

Everyone: Na nana naa na na naa nana na!
Na nana naa na na naa!
Na nana naa na na naa nana na!
Na nana naa na na naa!

Rogue 6 and Krennic: This is the end for us, it's like Armageddon
First Kaytu, Chirrut and Bodhi, now Baze is gone.
Tarkin fires the Death Star, Krennic's dead, sad song
The soundtrack swells as Jyn
Dies along with Cassian.

Everyone: Vader chases down Leia, he wants dem plans back
But R2 gets away and brings the New Hope back.
We're now a lost piece of history, that's a fact.
And now the story goes
To the three original.

Baze, Chirrut, K-2SO, and Bodhi: If only we knew we won the fight

Bodhi Rook: I'd say to Jyn "Your father would be proud, alright."

Orson Krennic: But we're all forgotten, all of us dead tonight.

Rogue 6 and Krennic: We get no medal
That's what makes a true hero.
No medal
That's what makes a true hero!
No medal
That's what makes a true hero!
Hope you enjoyed this terrible parody!

Please review!

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