Chapter four: a little crush

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Max (Wednesday)

We were at my house and Megan and I were almost done with the project. We had to make a model of any landmark and write about it. We choose to do the golden gate bridge and Megan wanted to pant it and I decided to write the paper, we had made the clay model together. I head back in the living room with two cans of soda for us and I look over at her, as she worked some of her hair had fallen out from behind her ear where she always had it pulled back. Setting the drinks down I pull her hair back behind her ear making her flinch "sorry" I say, I feel my cheeks heat up and attempted to hide it from her.

"It's ok" she smiled before going back to painting the model. She ironically used metallic gold to paint it rather than the faded rusty orange it really is.

Every time she painted or did any serious work she looked concentrated, and she cute when she concentrates, or does really anything. Ok so I may have developed a slight crush on her, but who can blame me? She may be a bitchy asshole at school, but the real her, is just too cute. She's silly, random, happy, and nervous sometimes, I struggle not to blush when I'm around her.

"Hey Max, do you call a fly without wings a walk?" Megan asked. Now this is what I meant by random

"I have no clue, you can call it where ever you want" I respond chuckling slightly.

(Time skip back to school brought to you by randomness)

I was late for school because of a doctor's check-up. I put my things in my locker and began to head over to my class until I saw three people, two had the other cornered. The boys had red and green hair, the red haired one had a black shirt and grey pants while the green haired one wore a green hoody with a strange eye symbol on the back of it. I try to see who they are cornering and found it to be a rather angry Megan.

The red head grabbed Megan's arm and began to twist it behind her back "ow! Sean, get your boyfriend off me!" Megan fussed, pain sharp in her voice. The redhead pulled her arm back further and she gritted her teeth. I could see a few tears seeping from her eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend!" the green haired guy who I'm guessing was Sean snapped in an Irish voice.

'Oh hell no' I run over dropping my binder on the floor and deck Sean before he could hurt Megan. "Ow, bloody hell" he cursed

"What are you doing?" Megan asked

I quickly punch the other guy who was hurting Megan before replying "I'm saving your ass"

"Thanks, but I think I could have handled it myself" she retorted "Max, behind you!" she quickly punches someone behind me, I look to see Sean holding his stomach and clinching his teeth

"Yeah but you still needed some sort of help" I smirk

Megan rolled her eyes "Sean, mark, get your sorry asses out of here before you get yourselves killed" the two quickly ran off down the hall in a fit of fear and pain. "I guess you're right, I couldn't have taken them both on by myself"

"Is your arm ok?" I ask looking down at her

She moved her arm a bit "aside from Mark nearly dislocating my shoulder, I'm fine!" she looked away from me for a second, I could see her face turn red. Is she blushing? "Sorry for giving you a scare like that, I didn't mean to make you mad max"

"Really" I say in an unamused tone

"Yep!" she boops my nose making me blush slightly before walking off to her class.

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