Chapter one: new kid

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I step onto the bus, kids stare at me as I pass, most seats were full and the kids positioned themselves so I couldn't set next to them in the few that had a spot left. I end up walking to the back of the bus where two kids sat chatting. One, a boy who was near the window had short curly brown hair, blue eyes with glasses, a dark grey hoody with a light grey shirt with a derpy face on it and a pair of khaki shorts. The other, a girl who sat just next to the boy had long wavy red hair, hazel eyes, a light grey open front sweater with a white shirt and a slightly lighter grey skirt. The boy seem to have noticed me and alerted the girl. She quickly snapped her attention over to me "hia!" she squeaked

"Um hi?" I say a little confused, she pats the spot next to her on the seat while the boy turns his attention to the passing scenery as the bus begins to move. I quickly sit down before I get knocked over

"Yah new here aren't ya" she said

"Yeah, kinda"

She smiled "well I'm Shelby, and this over here is Ross" she points to the boy

I smile at how welcoming she is "I'm Max"

"Nice to meet ya!"

"Shubbs, please calm down" Ross sighed "your voice goes up 10 octaves when you get excited, and frankly I'd rather not have bleeding ears"

I chucked at his remark.

(Time skip just cuz)

We entered the courtyard in the center of the school, Shelby seems to get annoyed "not her"

"Who?" I ask

Ross ducks behind Shelby in attempts to hide "Megan" he whispers

A girl around the same height as Shelby walks up with a smirk on her freckled face. She had: short dirty blond hair, blue eyes, a darkish teal hoody with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a blank grey shirt, light blue skinny jeans, tons of rubber band bracelets, wrist bands, and hair ties lined her right wrist. "Whos the new redhead squeaky?" she asked pointing over at me

"None of your business Megan" Shelby retorted

Megan rolled her eyes before shifting her position to look over Shelby's shoulder "I see you squirrel boy, do you want to tell me who he is?"

Ross slowly stepped out from behind Shelby "n-no"

"My name is Max an I would appreciate it if you didn't pester my friends" I say sternly

Megan smirked "well aren't you just a brave one, yah know that Undertale game right?"

"Yeah what about it?" I ask

She walked up to me and got up in my face "we have a similar saying here close to 'kill or be killed'"

"And what would yours be?" I ask getting annoyed. She was close enough for me to smell mint, Pepsi, and something spicy on her breath

"Here its teas or be teased" she gave an innocent smile before walking off "buh bye!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in

"Geez, talk about an in your face attitude" Shelby commented. I watched as Megan walked off, I hear a slight jingle as she walks. I looked down at her right ankle and spot a pink collar like band around it with a small bell attached to it. "Are you checking her out?" Shelby joked

"What no!" I snap back "I just saw that pet collar on her ankle"

Ross pipped up "Oh yah, she just showed up to school with that one day and it's just been there ever since"


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