Chapter five: Takis and water guns

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Max (lunch)

I reached my group of friends and sat down next to Ross and Adam "hey guys" I smile

"Max," Shelby asked "are the rumors true?" she stood up and leaned over the table "did you save Megan from Sean and Mark earlier?"

"Shelby I told you the rumors are fake" Ross piped in before I could answer, Shelby plopped back down on her seat and began to pout

I sighed. If rumors got around that quickly, I had better tell them "guys, the rumors are true"

"WHAT?!" everyone said at the same time, a girl with long black hair and a purple off the shoulder sweater, whom I had met in gym, leaned over the table and got in my face "so is she your girlfriend?" she asked in a teasing tone

"Jess, no" I pushed her back "I just saw that she was outnumbered and needed help, so I gave her that help"

Shelby looked pissed as hell "WHY WOULD YOU HELP HER AFTER ALL SHES DONE!?!" Ross was right, when she gets excited or mad her voice goes up 10 octaves, and it hurts.

I took a deep breath before speaking "look, you guys only know one side to her, I know both. If you wish, me and Megan were gonna hang out after school, and you guys can join" I took a lot of control not to yell back at her about how Megan's not what she appears

"Fine, but if I get beat up it's your fault" Shelby gave me a death glare, I nod

"She won't hurt you, the closest to that you can get is getting shot by a water gun"

"Hey dweebes, Max" I hear an all too familiar voice coo behind me

I look over my shoulder and see Megan with a purple bag of chips called Takis, she loves those things to death "hey Megan, is it ok if my friends can hang out with us after school?" I say keeping my voice low enough so only our group could hear. Megan nods

"Water guns?" Adam questioned, taking my thought from earlier

She nodded "I have a few of those" Adam's eyes lit up behind his sunglasses. And he did a little happy dance in his seat. Megan walked off and we went back to our conversation


(Time skip because no one wants to read max going thru boring classes)


"So where is she?" I ask in an annoyed tone from the park bench

Max rolled his eyes "Adam asked for water guns, so she's probably getting them" as he say that I see a small silver car pull up to the park and Megan comes out with some water guns.

She waves and runs up to us "sorry, it took forever to find enough guns" she sighed. I was taken back by not only her politeness, but also her outward appearance "Shelby, you might want to take a picture, it lasts longer" Megan joked, I had just noticed I was staring at her

"Geez, sorry" I say. That was what I knew her has, the snarky little brat that I see at school. Megan looked a little upset when I said that, as if I had hurt her feelings. Ha! Like she has any.

Max seemed to notice the tension between us so he but in before we tried to hurt each other "ok so why don't we play some team water gun wars" he suggested, I nod


I looked at Ross who had one of his notebooks open taking score for each round "girls 6, boys 4!" he yelled out, the teams were me Adam and red for boys, and Megan Shelby and jess for girls "Go!"

"Charge!!" Adam yells running as fast as he could towards the girl's bag, but almost instantly gets shot by jess "dang it!"

We continued the round till it was just me and Megan left, we kept trying to shoot each other but to no avail. Eventually Megan began to slow down and I shot her shoulder "gah that's cold!" Megan yells but starts laughing afterwards. "Get reked" she laughs and she shoots me.

Shelby begins to laugh as well "yah know max, you were right, she's a riot!" I was happy to see those two getting along

"Did you think you were going to have to be a mad max?" Megan asked only to make Shelby laugh even more

I roll my eyes "really Megan, really?" even though she's cute, she can be the most annoying thing in the world when she wants to.

"DAD MAX!!" Jess yells in a baby voice

I shootMegan a death glare "Megan do you know what you just started?" I ask. Meganjust gives a goofy smirk, she knew what she started.

The Midget Bully ( mithzan x friend )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن