Chapter One: "Moving Pictures"

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Dear Henry,

It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 30 years really slips away doesn't it? If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you.

Your best pal, Joey Drew


I took a look at the letter. 'The old workshop?' I thought to myself. 'Wasn't that abandoned 30 years ago though?' I decided that it wasn't gonna be so bad to visit the old working place. Besides, we did work on that old cartoon for kids and had our own series. I guess it was worth visiting, it couldn't be that bad. I thought about it only for a few seconds, got a flashlight, got into my car, and drove off to the working place. I turned on the radio to listen to my favorite song. A few minutes later, I had finally arrived to the workshop. "Ah, good old times, Joey. Now let's see what you've got." I opened the doors, but the door shut. "Huh, well, you gotta admit it's run down as I said it would." I took a deep breath.

"Alright, Joey. I'm here. Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see." I said. I looked around me to see posters of the old episodes on the wooden walls. There was ink on the ceiling for some reason, couldn't tell why. It was a bit dark, good thing I had brought my flashlight, so I turned it on. I walked towards the film set, only to see that the film reel was blank. A wooden Bendy had been set next to it with some wooden chairs. I walked some more over to the small animating area. The papers had still been there, although there was a hole in the wall. I walked into a small hallway area and looked to my right. "What's that?" I examined the wall. It said: "DREAMS COME TRUE". "That wasn't there before." I walked towards the small room. I felt wind on the back of my neck. I looked behind me. "Who's there?" I looked behind me with my flashlight. No one was there. I looked to the left, there was a long hallway.

I walked through the hallway, doors remained locked and shut. When I walked closer, I could now see what Joey had planned for me. It was the old ink machine, still functioning. "So this is the ink machine, wonder how I turn it on?" I tried to examine if there was a button or a lever, but there wasn't, so I continued on through the hallways, until I was met with my laziest accomplishment ever: my animator desk. "Here's my old desk. I've wasted so much time in this chair." I continued to walk on. When I walked about my fourth step, a plank fell. I coughed so much because of the dust it had blown onto me. I was stopped again. I looked to my right, nothing there. But when I looked to my left, I saw the most horrifying thing in my life.

"Oh my God. Joey, what were you doing?" It was the corpse of one of our characters: Boris the Wolf. I ran over to his room. I looked into his body. He was filled with mechanical parts like a robot who was dismantled. I walked around and examined him. I looked to the wall on the left of him. It was more ink splattered that said "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?" I was starting to think that my old friend turned insane. I started to walk away very carefully, as I had thought that it would come to life. I continued on to the next room, where there was a lever with 6 pillars in front of it. "I think I found out how to turn it on." I walked towards the lever. The sign said on top "MAIN POWER". "Alright, how do I get this to work?" I asked myself. I looked at the pictures behind each pillar. Each pillar had a different picture. "Maybe I need to collect the items to power the ink machine." So my (you can call it) 'quest' had begun.

When I went behind me and walked and turned, I saw the Bendy cutout that stood straight. I gasped and breathed. "Who put this here?!" I exclaimed. I first found the wrench on the chair next to the ink machine. The wrench was the easiest of all. Next, I found the phonograph disc. Then, I found the small Bendy plushy (I think we sold those in stores before.) Then, I found the old book I read 30 years ago. Suddenly, I found an old tape recorder. I pressed the play button, and I heard what I didn't hear before.

"At this point, I don't know what Joey's plan is for this company. The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore, and I certainly don't see why we need this... machine. It's noisy, it's messy, and who needs that much ink anyway? Also get this: Joey had each one of us donate something from our work stations. We put them on these little pedestals in the break room. To help appease the gods, Joey says. To keep things going. I think he's lost his mind. But hey, he's writing the checks. But I tell you what- If one more of these pipes burst, I'm out of here!"

I continued on the quest for the six items. I found the cogwheel. Lastly, all I had to find was the ink bottle. Finally, I had found it and went back to activate the ink machine. "Ok! That's all of them! I just need to get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. Then I can start up the main power." I was walking toward the ink flow room, when suddenly, another Bendy cutout poked its head from the corner. I gasped and showed my flashlight at it. "How many cutouts are in this warehouse?" (Too many to be exact.) When I entered the ink flow room, the projector suddenly turned on. It showed Bendy doing a small dance. I turned on the ink flow. I started to walk back to the ink machine. I started to think to myself.

"Did Joey turn insane? Did he abandoned the show? Did he cause all this trouble just for me especially?" I continued on and turned on the main power generator. I walked towards the ink machine, but it was boarded up. I tiptoed towards the boarded entrance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some kind of monstrosity of Bendy came up from the ink. "Who's laughing now, Henry?! I AM!" It screamed at me. I almost pooped my pants at this point. I looked down and the floor was starting to turn into ink. The ceiling had the same thing. "I'm getting the hell outta here!" I started running for my life. I ran past all the hallways and the shut doors. Ink got closer every time I took a step. Finally, I had saw the exit door. I tried to reach for the knob, but the floor broke. I felt like I was falling into hell. I fell and fell, until I had reached the ground. I saw the room, and saw something I could use: an ax. "This will definitely come in handy." I started to gain my confidence back. I destroyed the planks that blocked the halls. I stopped until I saw what appeared to be a pentagram on the floor along with two coffins. I walked towards it, then I was smacked by something in the head. I was knocked out for sure.


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