Chapter 8~ the picture

Start from the beginning

"Heh! For sure! See ya later Laurence! Good luck! And fyi, you can't ask Y/N to play with you, i already knows she's better at soccer than you are."

"Sure thing beautiful."

He walked away. I really like Laurence too..

"Awww, isn't that cute? Laurence really seems to have a thing for you."

I turn around and see Gene. "Huh? Wha- oh, its you.."

"Its kind of sweet how he wants to wait to walk you to school. He used to do that with Y/N before she moved houses."


"Still don't want to talk to me because of Laurence? When are you gonna learn to think for yourself?"

"I am thinking for myself! I don't want to talk to you! Every time i see you, you and your Shadow Knight gang have been up to no good! Give me one reason why i should even give you the time of day!"

"Because, i know you're hiding something from Laurence and Y/N you don't want them to know about."

"Huh? What?"

"But! If you don't want to talk to me then I'll just be on my way."

"Wait! What do you know?"

"Meet me at the lockers at the far end of the school in fifthteen minutes."

"What!? I can't do that! I'll be late for class!"

"Fine, i guess you really don't care if Laurence and Y/N find out about what you're trying to hide from them." He started walking away.

"I do care! Y/N is like a sister to me!"

"Then do like i asked! See ya then freshman."

What does he want?

~time skip~

I've waited by the lockers for 15 minutes already and he still hasn't shown up. The bell rang and I'm still waiting. I growl very quietly. Where the neck is he! Maybe i can get to class in time if he hurries up!

"I like to take my time."

Did i say that out loud?

"Gene! I'm here! Now what did you want to show me?!"

"Aye, calm down. What's the rush? We got some time to just get to know each other and talk."

"Pfft! Unlike you, i actually care about my education."

"Oh i care about my education, they just don't teach me what I wanna learn. Now let me- huh?"

The guy from werewolf class came walking past us. Gene glared at him before speaking. "You, come to start something."

He growled. "I dont start fights."

"So why don't you just keep walking."

"Heh, you should consider doing the same."

"Walking was so two minutes ago for me."

"So is that stupid haircut."

"Back off or I'll make you regret saying that."

He turned to me. "Why don't you run you dumb potato!" 

I got angry to what he just called me. "Excuse me?!"

He comes closer. "Can't you see I'm trying to help?!"

"I don't need help from someone like you!"

"From the looks of it you have no idea what you're getting into."

"Maybe i know exactly what I'm getting into!"

Why Me? - Garroth x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now