Chapter 8- Moving? Part 2

Start from the beginning

'Sorry,' He sounded genuinely embarrassed that he'd been so rude. I know mood swings are supposed to be a common occurrence for teenagers, but he was in an entirely different league.

'So, do you just LIKE being mysterious?' I asked, injecting my voice with sarcasm. I couldn't help myself. It was a really rude thing to say, but I don't understand him. When I don't understand something, sarcasm comes to my defence. Take algebra. Actually I do understand most of algebra but seriously, when am I gonna use it in everyday life? I guess he is just a very mood swing-y person, and it's hard to keep up.

'Sorry?' He answered, sounding politely confused. I instantly regretted my remark. I sighed.

'Nothing. Just, how long are you gone for?' I attempted to stir the conversation away from my catty comments.

'Maybe a week or something. Why do you want to know anyway?' He asked, trying to sound casual, but he couldn't keep the smile out of his voice. He was flattering himself.

'Because, I just think we have more to talk about.' I kept my answer short. Not wanting him to try to find some hidden subtext. I wasn't lying either. If he thinks, just because we share a gift, that means we need to be a couple or something, he's wrong. Wait, now I'm seriously flattering myself. I felt my cheeks heat up; glad he wasn't here so he couldn't hear my thoughts.

'Oh, we do?' He asked, sounding a little disappointed. Well, did we? I guess if we'd had so much to talk about we could have spoken about it when he was at my house. It just seemed odd that he wasn't so bothered that he'd found someone that shared his talent. Aside from his initial shock, he seemed almost bored of it now. As though it was old news. Well, I wasn't done with him. Wow, that sounds perverted. Truth be told, I'd wanted to eventually introduce him to my Dad. Eventually. I don't know. I just still had so many questions, I thought he would too. Evidently I was wrong.

'Well, I dunno.' I answered lamely. He gave a dry chuckle.

'Look, I gotta go now. I'm sorta busy, but can we talk about this later?'

'Um, yeah.' I replied, wondering what else there was to say. Later. Alright then.

'See ya,' He bade me a quick goodbye and hung up. I placed my phone (brick) on my nightstand next to Brendon and stretched. I checked my newly-discovered-watch that had been lost under a heap of junk in my bedroom for around three years; there was enough time to get on with homework. Well, that's what I told myself. I somehow became distracted, when I somehow made it into the living room downstairs, and the TV somehow switched itself on. I still have no idea how it happened. Before I knew it I'd been zoned out in front of the TV for most of the night. Oopsie, no homework for moi.

'Why me!' Amber complained. It was Friday afternoon, and we had just completed our last lesson of the day.

'Drama queen,' I muttered under my breath, continuing to tug her arm in the direction of the library.

'Noooo! I can't go on.' She whined struggling against my steady grip on her.

'Put it this way, I told Jared we'd be in the library after school. You're not gonna let HIM down are ya?' I smiled triumphantly, now I had her. She gave a dramatic sigh, and began pulling me.

'Come ON, we have a library to get to.' She stuck her tongue out at me.

'Hmf. NOW you like the library, yeah I see how this works whe-' I grumbled, trying to keep a straight face.

'Drama queen,' She muttered. We had reached the library, and she finally loosened her death grip on me. I winced as the blood flow returned.

'Amber!' We turned to see Emily running behind us, red-faced and out of breath.

'Yup,' Amber replied, looking curious.

'Miss Kent wants to see you. Helen Clapper reported you calling?'

'Busted.' I turned to Amber, trying to wipe the smirk off my face. She narrowed her eyes, with an expression that could kill a puppy.

'Oooh, she is so dead. Helen Crapper. I. Will. End. You-' The rest of her rant was inaudible as she stalked off down the corridor, with a backwards wave to me. Emily gave me a sheepish smile, before hurrying after Amber. I chuckled to myself, and pushed open the library doors, heading to the first free table. I cleared off the clutter of books and piled them onto some other table. Setting my weeks homework down, I had just begun to work through my Algebra booklet when something caught my attention. Whispering. Now I guess that doesn't sound so weird. a library! Oh no! Something about this particular whispering was different. It wasn't giggling school girls talking about their latest crushes. Or guys discussing, whatever it is guys discuss. It seemed sinister somehow. Whatever the voice was saying it wasn't meant to be heard. In fact, if I hadn't chosen that particular seat next to the book shelf, on that particular table I never would have heard it. I held my breath, leaning in to try and catch more of the whispers.

'-oesn't matter. She doesn't mean anything anyway. I'm just using her. She is just an object. She's so dumb she doesn't even realise it. It's so easy-' The voice was saying in barely more then a whisper. I recognised that voice. I peeked through the wall of books separating us, straining for a glance at the speaker. My stomach dropped. I was right. It was Alex. My mind was racing. He could've been talking about anyone. An old girlfriend, anyone. He wouldn't do that to ME because, because....What was the end of that thought? Because I knew him? I didn't know him. Not really. A week, we'd known each other. I'd seen him around for longer, but still. A week. I needed confirmation. I knew what I needed to do. Even though the first time I'd done it he'd somehow kicked me out of his mind, and the second he'd been screaming. No, I hadn't forgotten that. The fact of the matter was, something was going on with Alex, and right now, I was going to find out.

Thank for reading! Please comment with feedback! There shouldn't be many chapters left to go now so stick with the story!

Cheers :)

Life of a..special..sixteen year old. (no I'm not a vampire, eesh)Where stories live. Discover now