After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly through the trees, we found a stone pathway breaking through the line of trees, forming a neat route deeper into the forest.

"This is bound to lead us to their hideout." Shayla says and I nod, my gut telling me this wasn't a trap. It didn't seem out of place, strangely enough.

We followed the pathway for awhile, Harry and I in the front followed by Shayla, Niall, and Louis, while the next three brought up the back. My sword was out in front of me defensively while my eyes darted back and forth, trying to catch any signs of movement.

It was dead silent as we continued forward, coming to a break in the line of trees, all of us slowing down as we entered in a large opening.

My eyes widened in shock and I nearly dropped my sword out of astonishment.

This wasn't a hideout.

It was an empire.

Smaller homes and buildings surrounded an enormous castle, larger than the one in England that I have grown so accustomed to seeing. The streets were lined with markets and trade centers, stables off to the side with horses stocked in full.

"Wh-what is this?" I whisper, my body slightly shaking as I stare at the enormity of it all. We never got this information on them. They were supposed to be a large bandit group...nothing more.

"This is a nightmare." Shayla breathes from behind me and I silently agree. If we were declaring war on this group...there would be almost no way we could defeat them.

Sweat began to form on my forehead at the thought of the battle we might have to go through. But to my surprise, the streets were mostly empty. There were a few townsfolk here and there, but no troops or anything of the sort.

"How are we going to find Layla in this massive city?" Harry mutters and I shake my head, not able to give an answer. "What did we get ourselves into?" Louis asks, but no one was able to answer his question.

This place was thriving...almost more than England was at the moment. There was no doubt about that in my mind, I could see it at first glance.

"You must be them."

All of us jumped at the voice, turning to our left to see a young woman with her hands folded in front of her, a smile on her face.

"I've been expecting you. I'll lead you to where the negotiations will take place." she says smoothly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Negotiations?" I questions and she just smiles again, motioning us to follow before walking away, heading towards the enormous castle.

Exchanging looks with everyone, I let out a sigh before I sheathed my sword, following the unknown woman. Everyone followed my lead and we all began to walk behind the woman, staying quiet as we all surveyed the city.

"This could be a trap." Harry whispers to me and I nod, motioning down to my sword and patting it, trying to signal to him to get ready to fight if need be. He understood my signal, giving me a slight nod before straightening up.

We stayed silent the entire time we followed the woman, seeing her guide us quietly and calmly through the city, before turning left at the palace gates. Unnerved by her sudden turn, we followed. My suspicion grew as we walked towards the side of the castle, a feeling growing in my stomach that this would be no ordinary meeting place. If we weren't going to meet inside the castle, then it could easily be a set up trap.

"Be on your guard." I mouth to the group, everyone nodding to me and gripping the hilts of their swords, preparing themselves for whatever we were about to get into.

Last VoyagesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora