"Noah", another voice brings me out of my trance. I turned and saw Aria coming towards me with Caleb and Drake. I looked at my side and Miss. Rose disappeared by the time. I looked around for her and saw her glaring at Kyle.

Poor she!!

"Hey", I said to all of them.

"I really liked the decorations", Drake said.

"Eva and Kyle did it together", Aria said.

"Eva is a talented girl", Caleb said.

"And beautiful too", Drake said looking in the direction of Eva.

Really now?

"Hey, by any chance is it possible that I've seen her before also?", Drake asked busy staring at Eva.

"You've seen her at the club", I replied.

"No, I've seen her somewhere else too. I'm just not able to find that out", Drake said looking at all of us. Caleb looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulder.

Where had Drake seen Eva? And did he like her? Is he fine for Eva? Would Eva be able to say yes to him ever?

Jesus, he just complimented her not proposed her. Why are you being so concerned? My mind said.

"We can find out that later on. Let's move to the stage", Aria said letting go of the matter and hold my hand.

"Yeah, let's go", I said and we all moved to the stage where Eric and Sarah were standing.


I was standing with Aria, Celeb, Drake and Kyle by my side. We all gathered near the stage where the would-be couple was already standing.

My eyes were searching for Eva to show up. She must be sad today. Afterall, it's a tough situation for her to see the boy she loves so much getting engaged to someone else.

As if hearing my thoughts, Eva came in sight. She had a plate full of roses and an engagement ring in a box in the middle of that decorative plate. She had a small smile on her face but that smile was pure fake. I could easily saw that.

Sarah's mom brings one ring in one plate which was decorated with roses too. When both the ladies came to the stage, they handed the rings to Sarah and Eric respectively.

Eric said a quick 'Thanks' to Eva and then holding Sarah's hand, he quickly made her wore the beautiful diamond ring. Sarah followed his action and made him wore the engagement ring.

We all clapped and the couple kissed briefly. One by one everyone went up to the stage to wish them.

I walked over to the stage along with Aria and said, "Congratulations for your new life".

Eric smiled and said, "Thanks". We shook hand and I passed him a nod.

"I'm so happy for you guys", Aria said and hugged Sarah.

"Thanks for being a part of our beautiful day", Sarah replied her hugging back.

Aria and I came down the stage and Celeb and Drake followed us after wishing the couple. My eyes roamed around the whole hall to look out for Eva. I found her busy in her thoughts.

I walked over to her but she walked out of the hous before I could reach her. I followed her and saw her taking out her engagement ring and she slipped it from her hand on the ground.

Her mobile rang all of a sudden. I didn't walk near and gave her the privacy to talk to the person on other side of the call but I did eavesdropped her conversation. I ain't proud of that either.

"Hello", she said.

"I'm coming. Can't you wait a bit, sucker?", She again said and it took me off guard. Eva is not someone to use such kind of language.

May be you don't know her well, my inner self said.

Yeah, it could be, I thought.

"I'll be there soon. Just wait until I reach there", saying so she cut the call.

I increased my pace and started walking towards her but she was faster than me. She hasitly walked up to the exit gate and sat down in the cab who was already waiting for her.

Was she already planning to go somewhere?

I saw her sitting in the cab and droving away. My heart increased it's pace. My sixth sense was telling me that something isn't right. Eva is surely involved in sometime which only god knows but why am I not finding good vibes about this?

Busy in my thoughts, I walked back to the house but on my way, I felt a hard thing below my feet. I stop in my track and turned around to see what just came below my shoes. It was Eva's ring. I bent down and picked up the ring.

I stare at the ring for one second and then kept it inside my coat's pocket. Eva is sad today. I should give her time to cope up.

You're an amazing perosn, Miss. Rose!!


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Instagram: soul.musical.

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