Chapter - 1

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I'm choosing Ian Somerhalder as Noah Calvin!! Chapter dedicated to arshimin for suggesting me the male cast.

Noah's P.O.V.

I was all busy in my office work only when my assistant, Mrs Haldie decided to disturb me. She knocked on my cabin's door.

"May I come in Mr Calvin?", She asked.

"Come in", I said.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but there's someone who wants to meet you badly", she said.

"Don't you tell them that I'm busy? Do they have an appointment?", I asked firmly. I don't like to be disturbed when I'm doing work.

"I do. But he's saying that he won't leave until and unless you'll meet him", she replied.

"Who is he?", I asked.

"It's Caleb, your best friend", another voice came inside my cabin. I and Haldie turned and I saw Caleb Cyrus standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"Mrs Haldie, can you please get us a cup of coffee?", I asked.

"Sure sir", she said and left the cabin. I got up and hugged Caleb.

"What a surprise man", I said happily.

"I know. I just landed about half an hour back and came straight from the airport to meet you", Caleb said.

"But I thought you'll come a week later", I said and we both take a seat on the couch.

"I also thought that it will take me a week or so but luckily I completed my work soon and came early", he said.

"I'm happy. Now we could spend this weekend together", I said.

"Sure. Why not? I've to meet Drake also", He said.

I and Caleb had coffee together and talked a lot about other kinds of stuff. Caleb is also a businessman and doing great but he's not in the top like me. He's engaged to his childhood friend Taylor and will be marrying soon. Other than Caleb, Drake Raymond is our other best friend. He's a well-known photographer but he mostly remains out of town because of his profession.

Caleb left after having coffee because he was tired and wanted rest so we planned to catch up this weekend because Drake is also in London nowadays.

I again got back to complete my work because I have got a presentation tomorrow. I had to go to dinner also with Aria tonight and I can't miss that or else she'll be upset. So, it's better to complete my work now only.

At around six in the evening, my mobile rang and it was from Aria.

"Hello", I said.

"Noah, listen. We can't go to dinner tonight because I've to attend this party with my friend Jess restaurant. She's celebrating the one-year success of her restaurant. Do you want to come?", Aria said.

"No problem honey, I'll be there", I said.

"Aww, you're such a sweetheart. I'll meet you there only", she said and hung up.

I finished my work and left for my penthouse. I changed quickly into something casual for the party and moved to the place of the party.

Aria had messaged me the address so it wasn't difficult for me to find the place. I parked my car and came out. The restaurant was beautiful and very impressive. I dialled Aria's number to check where is she.

"Where are you?", I asked when she picked up my call.

"I've reached. I'm inside, just come", she said.

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