Chapter 22

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For the next few days, all of Misty's friends were on alert. Especially Ash and her Kanto friends.

"No one's hurting our strawberry jam!" Gary had been declaring all week with Brock and Tracey.

Ash had made sure to be there with her every second that he could, even tasting her food and drinks to make sure they weren't poisoned. Though, Misty was certain he just wanted her bento since she was a great cook after getting lessons from Brock.

Serena walked by herself a few paces behind Misty's circle of boys. Usually she'd walk with Clemont but he had taken a week off to bring Bonnie home.

Serena felt her phone vibrate and she smiled.

Another text from Clemont!

She pulled out her phone and replied a quick update on the situation; she even sent him a picture.

A pair of warm hands wrapped around her mouth as she was pulled into a room.

Serena recognized it as the janitor's closet and cringed at the unidentified liquids on the floor and the strong smells.

She stood up and was careful not to touch anything.


She turned around and saw Dawn. Dawn had been missing since Friday but even so, she still looked clean and styling.

"Dawn? What're you doing? Where have you been?" Serena asked, backing up to the door.

Dawn sighed, "No need to worry, I won't hurt you."

Serena stayed where she was and cautiously looked at Dawn as she waited to hear if she was gonna say anything.

"I know about all of you trying to protect Misty from me. I just want you to tell her that you guys can't protect her. I love Ash and I'll fight for him."

"Misty loves Ash, too, and she'll fight twice as hard as you!" Serena exclaimed.

"I doubt that. Ash is just nostalgic about their friendship. He'll see I'm perfect for him."

"Dawn, please just let him go! Can't you see they're in love?"

"No! They're not! How does this not hurt you?! You were in love with him, too! Don't you want to tear them apart?! Make her hurt like we are?!"

Serena stopped and stared at her. A week ago, Serena would've easily helped Dawn in her search for hurt. Even now, Serena still felt the slightest pain when looking at Misty and Ash. But she had Clemont and he made her happy.

"Of course I still like Ash. I don't like admitting it but yea, no one gets over someone they loved so quickly but it's possible to move on from that someone. I have people who helped me. Clemont has been a big help and I love him for that. And even Misty helped me when I first wasn't ready to face him. We're all friends, Dawn. I don't wanna waste my time with everyone by trying to hurt them."

Dawn stared at her. She looked angry, confused, upset, and scared.

Serena moved towards her, "Dawn-"

She slapped Serena's hand away and glared at her.

She slipped out the door and turned her head back slightly.

"You never saw me."

And with that, she left Serena in a dark closet.

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