Chapter 6

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Oh wow sorry I sorta forgot to update because of life but here's another chapter! So glad that this story already has 200+ reads! Thanks!

Serena smiled in excitement. She looked at all the girls that had gathered in her dorm room for a sleepover.

Her roommates, Misty and Leaf, were sitting on Misty's bed looking weary of the other girls.

A blue haired girl holding a sleeping Piplup and a brown haired girl that reminded Serena of Ash was sitting on Leaf's bed.

Wasn't their names Dawn and May?

She noticed Iris' Axew that was peeking out from Iris' hair as they sat together on her bed.

"Thanks for coming, guys! I'm so excited!" She giggled.
"This'll be fun!" Dawn smiled.
"What are we even doing?" Misty asked.
"Well, since we all traveled with Ash, I was hoping we could all be friends!" Serena explained.

She saw they all tensed at the mention of Ash but she ignored it.

Leaf raised her hand.

"Uh, yes, Leaf?" Serena said.
"Who's Ash?" She asked.

They all stared at her.

"You've never traveled with Ash?" Serena asked, breaking the silence.
"Uh, no?" Leaf said, confused why everyone was looking at her.
"Well, don't worry! He's not important right now. Right now is girl time!" Serena assured her with a grin.

"For now, why don't we give each other manicures and braid our hair!" Serena suggested, taking out her make up kit that she used for performances.

Everyone but Misty and Iris oohed.

"Wow! So many!" Dawn marveled at Serena's collection of complex nail colors, eye shadows, and lipsticks.
"These would be perfect for my contests!" May gaped.
"Such little kids," Iris scoffed but giggled when Axew decorated her thick hair with flower clips.

As the rest started painting their nails colors of the rainbow, Misty leaned against her head board and tried not to breathe in the fumes of the nail polish.

She saw Leaf glancing at her and the other girls and she smiled softly. "If you want to join them, I don't mind."
"Uh, actually...can I braid your hair?" Leaf asked.

Misty blinked. Her hand flew to her bright orange hair that was tied in it's usual side ponytail. "M-My hair?"
Leaf's eyes glowed. "Yea! It's so pretty! I've never seen anyone with hair like yours!"
Misty blushed. "Um, uh, thanks..."

Hesitantly, she pulled her hair out of it's daily trap and watched as Leaf's eyes twinkled.

Leaf grabbed a brush and slowly ran it through Misty's hair. "So pretty..."

"Sooo, Serena, you got a boyfriend yet?" Dawn asked as she painted May's nails.
Serena sighed and shook her head. "Not yet."
"What?!" May and Dawn both stopped what they were doing to stare at her.
"But you're so pretty!" Dawn said.
"And you're hair is so cute!" May added.
Iris smirked and nudged Serena. "It's because she's too scared to tell Ash that she likes him."

Misty gasped silently and turned to stare at the blonde.

Serena grew more and more uncomfortable as she felt Misty, Dawn, and May staring at her intensely.

"Um, w-what?" She asked.
" like Ash?" Misty asked.
"Y-Yes? Do you?" Serena answered.
Misty looked down at her sheets and shook her head. "He's just a friend."

Serena's sigh of relief didn't go unnoticed by Misty.

Dawn sat up and sighed. "Well, if we're all gonna be friends, then we might as well be honest with each other. I, for one, like Ash."
May gawked at her old friend. "You, too?"
"You like him?" Dawn asked May.

May nodded.

Serena stopped braiding Iris' ridiculously long puffy hair. "Ok, so who doesn't like Ash?"

Leaf raised her hand, for obvious reasons, but Misty and Iris held back.

"Iris? You like him?" Serena asked in disbelief.
"Well...I did...but I think Cilan has a thing for me and I don't know..." Iris shrugged.
"That green-haired guy? Ooh, totally go for him. He's cute." Serena grinned.
Iris and Axew smirked. "You just want less competition from Ash.
"Yew! Axew!" Her Axew exclaimed.
Serena giggled. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Serena, but what about that blonde guy with the glasses? He was sitting at your table, aren't you into him?" Dawn asked.
Serena blushed and laughed slightly. "Clemont? He's just a friend."
"Oh? But he seemed to like you." Dawn smiled.
"No, it's probably just because Ash and I are his only friends so far." Serena said.
"So you, him, and Ash are traveling together in Kalos? Talk about a love triangle." May said, going back to painting Dawn's nails.
"May! We're just friends! Besides, his little sister travels with us, too." Serena said.
"Oh? So it's like Max and I." May said.
"Who's Max?" Serena asked.
"My little brother. He traveled with me, Ash, and Brock around Hoenn." May said.

"Anyways, Misty, since you're not into Ash, who do you like?" Serena asked, trying to take the attention away from her.
"No one really." Misty muttered.
"What about the guy? Uh, Gary?" Serena said.
"Gary?" Leaf spoke up from twisting fake flower vines in Misty's hair.
"Oh, yea, Gary said you were an old friend?" Misty said to Leaf.

Leaf focused back on her hair creation and didn't answer.

"Dawn? May? Weren't you traveling with guys?" Serena asked, turning away from the awkward silence.

"Paul?" Dawn asked.
"Drew?" May said.
"Yea! Them! Aren't you into them?" Serena said.
They giggled. "If you think you're going to avert us from Ash, you've got it wrong. We've liked Ash for so long, we're not just gonna give up on him."

"Ooh! How about this? A competition." Iris suggested.
"Since you all like Ash, why don't you make it interesting?" Iris proposed.
"A competition?" May repeated.
"Sounds like fun." Dawn grinned.
"I live for competitions. Let's do this!" Serena said.

"You're going down!"

The three stared at each other, determined not to lose to the other with big smiles on their faces.

Leaf gave Misty and mirror and exclaimed, "Done!"

Misty awed at her long hair in a beautiful smooth braid that was twisted with realistic vines and flowers.

"Leaf, this is amazing! Thanks!" Misty beamed.
"Just a good luck gift." Leaf whispered with a smile.

Misty blushed but focused on her hair. The last time she had decorated her hair was when she was in her sisters' play and she only had a shell crown and that was it.

Misty frowned sadly as she thought of the three other girls in the room.

Of course Ash would choose them over me. They're way prettier.

She frowned again.

Misty, shut up. Do you still like him or not?

I...I don't know...

Answer now! You've got three other girls as your competition. Are you just gonna let the love of your life slip away with another girl?!


Then go get him!

Misty smiled again and thanked her argumentative mind.

She was going after Ash and she wasn't gonna let anyone else have him but her!

Hoped you liked the chapter! Also, quick question. It's Leaf that some people ship with Gary, right? That's a ship right?

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