Chapter 5

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Leaf walked around the girl's dorm until she finally found the door marked '729'.

"Hello?" She opened the door cautiously.
"Hello!" A blonde girl skipped over to her.
"Hi? I'm Leaf. Are you my roommate?" Leaf asked.
"Yea! Also, Misty is our other roommate! Oh, by the way, my name is Serena Yvonne!" The blonde girl smiled.

Misty waved from her bed, exhausted.

"Why are you guys here for lunch?" Leaf asked.
"Misty was feeling tired but we're going down soon. Wanna come?" Serena asked.
Leaf shrugged and threw her suitcase onto the last bed near the window. "Sure."

"Misty! Come on! Let's go before lunch is over!" Serena jumped around Misty's bed pulling her hand.
Misty sighed. "Can I switch rooms?"
Serena giggled. "No! Now come on, silly!"

Misty groaned and got out of her bed. She dreaded every step as she followed them down to the main building.

The real reason she didn't want to go down was because she had seen Ash that morning when they battled.

She was ecstatic to see him but also nervous. It had just been her, Gary, Brock, and Tracey for years. All of them watching out for each other and bonding over a common loneliness they all felt when Ash left. Now that Ash was back, she was scared he was gonna ruin their friendship and also...that her feelings would come back.

She thought she was finally over him but she felt her heart racing when she saw him earlier. Even though she had beaten him, she wasn't happy.

"Look! It's Clemont!" Misty looked over to where Serena was pointing and saw the blonde boy she had seen earlier with Ash.

He didn't seem to be with Ash right now and was reading a book while eating a sandwich.

Serena pulled Misty and Leaf over to him.

"Hey, Clemont!" She exclaimed.
He looked up and smiled. "Hey, Serena."
"Well, I'm Leaf and it was nice to meet you but I got to go...uh, find someone. Bye." Leaf said quickly and ran off.

"Hey, berry red." Misty rolled her eyes as Gary approached them with a bento box.
"Hey, Gar-bear." Misty smirked, using his nickname he hated.
He panicked and quickly put his hand around her mouth. "Shh! Don't say that name!"
Misty laughed. "Idiot."
Gary laughed lightly and then looked off at the other direction. "Was that Leaf?"
"Why? You know her?" Misty asked.
"Old friend." He smiled softly.

"Ooh, Misty! Who's this?" Serena asked, sitting across from Clemont.
"This annoying crap is unfortunately my friend, Gary Oak." Misty said.
Gary took her hand and lightly kissed. "The pleasure is all mine."
Serena blinked and blushed. "O-Oh..."
Clemont stood up, his face red. "And I'm Clemont!"
"Sorry about that, Serena." Misty said and hit Gary lightly.

"So where's Brock and Tracey?" Misty asked.
"Over there." Gary pointed to a table across the room.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, Clemont. Let's-"
Gary grabbed Misty's hand and pushed her into the seat. "Sit down, red."
"What? But-"
"Just sit." Gary said and started eating the dumplings in his bento.

Misty sighed.

Serena sat next to Clemont and smiled. "So I know Misty is a gym leader! Are you a trainer, too?"
"Actually, I'm training under my granddad to be a Pokemon professor. Right now, we're studying how evolution works." Gary explained.
Serena clapped. "Oh! That's like Professor Sycamore with mega evolution!"
Gary arched a brow. "Maybe...?"

Serena's face suddenly flushed a bright red. "C-Clemont! Quick! Do I look ok?!"
Clemont didn't look up from his book. "You know I think you're pretty."
Serena giggled and pushed him lightly. "Thanks but stop joking around!"

Misty and Gary almost fell over their seats as Clemont sighed. They sent him pity stares and he shrugged.


Misty stopped breathing. Her eyes filled with panic as she saw a pikachu appeared.

But where was Ash?

Her face turned blue as she felt Ash wrap her in a hug from behind.

"Hey, Mist."

Soon, she couldn't breathe and was hyperventilating. She got up and pushed Ash away.

"Uh, w-we...bye!" She grabbed Gary and started running.

"Misty, wait!" Gary yelled.

She stopped as they reached Brock and Tracey and she panted hard.

Then she turned to Gary with a glare. "Gary!"
He sweat dropped and put his hands up. "Sorry, I-"
"We promised we wouldn't face him until we were all ready!" She yelled.
Tracey jumped in front of Gary. "Misty, calm down. We just-"
"Just what, Tracey?! I'm not ready yet!" Misty exclaimed.
"So when will you be ready?" Brock asked.
"I-I don't know! Maybe....maybe..." Misty sighed.

They all knew her. They knew she wouldn't be ready unless they pushed her.

"Just...just give me until tomorrow..." She sighed.
"Well, anyways, speaking of Ash, did you know he's my roommate?" Gary said.
"What?!" They all shouted.
"Also, I overheard him talking to that blonde, Clemont, who is also my roommate and made some funny pun with your name, Misty." Gary added.
"What? W-What'd he say?" Misty asked.
"He was talking about you to Clemont and said that he 'mist'-ed you." Gary said.

Misty, Brock, and Tracey fell over.

"Well, that's Ash, all right..." Brock said.
Misty groaned. "Well, whatever about his stupid puns. Um...why did he hug me?"
"Like he said, he 'mist'-ed you." Gary smirked, his eyes gleaming.

They all fell over again.

Misty jumped up and pulled out her mallet. "Gary Oak!"

Brock and Tracey sighed as Misty and Gary ran around the lunchroom.

"Hey, look at that." Tracey said and pointed to Ash's lunch table.

Brock and Tracey watched as many people came over to the table. They all looked like they were trying to talk to Ash but Serena was doing more of the talking.

"I recognize a few of them from my travels with Ash but I don't recognize the blondes and the green haired guy and the black pouffy haired girl." Brock said.
"Hey, look. Ash isn't even talking to them." Tracey pointed out.

They smirked in amusement as they saw him watching Misty with a soft smile.

Tracey turned to Brock. "You think..."
"Oh, definitely. He likes her."

Sorry if these seem like fillers but they're not and also by the end of this, all of my favorite pokeships will be togetherrrr.

I wasn't gonna include Leaf because I only planned on doing characters from the anime but poor Gary needed a girl and idk if Misty wasn't with Ash, I'd ship her with Gary or Tracey but neither of those are happening so Gary with Leaf it is^•^

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