Chapter 11

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Today's Harry Potter's birthday!!!! Also today is the birthday of the wonderful woman who brought us this magical world we can call our home.

Soon, the first Quidditch match came, the week before had been rainy, but not the normal rain, this one was hell of a storm. Slytherin was supposed to play against Gryffindor, but, honestly, Flint cowered out, saying it was Draco's injury that stopped them from playing. Of course, Snape believed him.

Arabella left the Common Room, that she was suspended from Quidditch didn't mean she was forbidden to watch it. She had a hoodie on, with a water repellent spell in it. She sat in the Gryffindor side of the pitch, but away from anyone that would know her. Not many Slytherins watched games, only Marcus, Draco and sometimes Adrian. The game was barely interesting, but only because the rain kept it that way.

Soon, Arabella started feeling a deep cold that reached her bones. She knew that feeling all too well. Her arm started to itch from where the dementor grabbed my arm. I opened my eyes like plates, she took her wand.

"Accio Cleansweap Eleven" Arabella muttered and, in the blur of the game, no one noticed the broomstick fly its way to Arabella, who kept it hidden, she had only called it in case, she just had a bad, bad feeling. Suddenly, she saw something falling from the sky, the form of a boy she recognised all too well, "Harry!" The scream that left Arabella's mouth was high pitched and was heard by almost everyone.

She stood up with her broom. She jumped in it and zoomed towards her brother. She feared she wouldn't make it in time so before it was too late, she jumped from her broom towards Harry. He was out cold. Arabella hugged Harry close to her, shielding his body with hers. If she was lucky, the impact would be absorbed by her body and Harry would be safe. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head. She pushed Harry lightly and pointed her wand at him.

"Expulso!" She exclaimed and Harry's body was shot upwards while Arabella was impulsed to the ground in a higher speed, "Arresto momentum!" The wand was directed at him and Harry's body slowed in its fall.

"Arresto momentum!" A second voice boomed and Harry slowed down even more, while Arabella kept falling at free speed.

She noticed it was Dumbledore who had slowed her brother, and she expected him to do the same for her. Nothing. She couldn't expect her father to help her, he hadn't bothered to attend the match. He only ever came if it was Slytherin playing. Arabella felt as if she had been falling for long time, but it couldn't have passed more than half a minute.

"Snape!" Arabella heard and turned her head to see a blur with red hair, because of the tormenting rain she couldn't see which of the twins it was.

She extended her hand at him, hoping he would help her. Arabella saw him extend his own arm at her. His gloved fingers stretched towards her rain drenched self. His long fingers wrapped around her wrist. She stopped falling but the Weasley boy couldn't bring her up to his broom, the rain covering both, his glove and her skin made it impossible for him to pull her up. Her hand started to slip under his hand. Soon, they were doing their maximum effort for their hands not to slip further, or she'd fall. A particularly strong wind hit them and Arabella's hand slipped, and she was falling again.

"No!" The redhead yelled as he saw Arabella falling at quick speed to the floor.

The last fall was quick, since the Weasley twin she was yet to identify had stopped her fall just ten feet from the ground. Her fall abruptly ended as her body met the ground in a thud. Arabella met the darkness immediately, her body sprawled in the mud of the Quidditch pitch.

Elena saw everything as her sister saved Harry from falling to a most certain death. When Dumbledore did nothing to save Arabella, Elena was livid, everyone had heard him say the spell and yet, Harry Potter was just meeting the ground softly while Arabella laid unconscious if not dead from the quick, strong fall. The youngest Snape made her way to the pitch, pushing everyone out of her way.

"Arabella!" Elena exclaimed when she was her sister.

She kneeled next to the unconscious girl and touched her face, there was no response from Arabella.

"No no no no no no, please don't be dead, you can't leave me, Ella. Wake up, sis, please" Elena was crying, trying restlessly to wake up Arabella.

"What happened?" Elena heard a muffled voice through her cries, "is that Harry?"

"Yes, Mr. Diggory, apparently he was attacked by Dementors, he fell from his broom" it was Madame Hooch who answered, "congratulations on your first victory of the year"

"What?! No! I won't win because Harry was unable to play. I want a rematch, it has to be fair" Cedric argued. Elena was still next to her sister, the boy had yet to see her.

"It was fair, Diggory, you won" Oliver Wood said emotionless, then he went to check on his seeker.

"Wait, is that- is that Arabella?" Cedric had just seen the girl, "what happened?" He asked with a worried expression written all across his face.

"She saved Harry, took her broom and dived for him" Elena said, since she had watched it all from the Hufflepuff side of the pitch.

"Is she okay?" A new voice asked. Elena and Cedric turned to see the Weasley twins, "I tried to help her but she slipped" it was George.

"I- I don't know. I've been trying to wake her" Elena told them.

"Mr. Diggory, go for Professor Snape, tell him to meet us in Hospital Wing" Professor McGonagall told Cedric and he nodded before taking off running, "Wood, Johnson, put Potter in the stretcher. Weasley's, help Arabella into the stretcher" McGonagall said as Madame Pomfrey arrived with two stretchers.

Once both siblings were in the stretchers and safely secured to them, Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall levitated them and walked to Hospital Wing, with the whole Gryffindor team, Elena and Cedric trailing behind.

Dumbledore and Snape were already waiting in Hospital Wing when Madame Pomfrey and the others arrived. Snape demanded immediately to know what had happened and Elena explained everything in detail. Not once did Severus Snape interrupted, not even when his face contorted with fury when Elena told him Dumbledore had charmed Harry's fall to be slower and safer while Arabella kept falling. When his daughter stopped explaining, Snape exploded.

"You mean to tell me that you saved the boy and let Arabella fall to her death?!" Snape yelled at Albus Dumbledore.

"Severus, I did what I thought was best for everyone. If- if Lord Voldemort were to rise again, Harry-" Dumbledore tried to explain.

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!" Snape roared, "if she dies, Albus, I swear to you that Lord Voldemort will be the least of your worries" Snape threatened and left Hospital Wing, he needed to clear his head.

"Take those damp clothes off her, I need to check on her" Madame Pomfrey told Elena, Fred and George. Then she gave a large bar of chocolate to Hermione, "give it to Potter when he wakes up"

Elena started removing Arabella's drenched clothes. Fred and George stood there awkwardly.

"Well don't stand in there, help me" Elena almost yelled at them, she was still crying, and really frustrated. Her face was red and puffy.

Fred and George took off her sneakers and socks and then they stood awkwardly when Elena told them to take off her shirt while she took off her jeans. After a glare, they started to take off her hoodie, which was still dry because of the spell. Then they started to take off her blue long sleeved shirt. When it was finally off, they darted their eyes away from her torso to her arms, to avoid awkwardness. They both gasped in surprise as they saw what laid in her forearms.

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