Chapter 3

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(9 months later)
First year ended in a second. Arabella had grown very attached to Fred Weasley and Cedric but had grown to loathe George and Lee Jordan. She spent various nights in detention for hexing George and George had spent  a quite lot of time in Hospital Wing thanks to Arabella. Marcus was a great friend to Arabella during the year and promised he'd help her to enter the Quidditch team the next year, as he was sure he was going to make captain.

"What do you think next year will bring, Ella?" Cedric asked as the train started to move away from Hogwarts.

"Dunno, a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, maybe" she said smirking evilly.

"Well, I don't think Professor K would want to stay after you put polyjuice potion with cat hair in her soup after Christmas break" Cedric said.

"Oh dear! You've gotta accept, it was hilarious!" Arabella said laughing.

"Yes it was" Ced said, "but you got your dad to be our teacher for a month and a half"

"Oh! Stop weeping! He adores you" Arabella told her friend.

"Just cause I'm your best friend" Cedric said.

"Don't say you don't love being my friend! Dad's nice to you and-" Arabella started but Adrian Pucey ran into the compartment.

"Niad!" Adrian was one of the few people that called her by her second name. He was in the same year as her and they had a good relationship. Arabella haven't told anyone but Cedric that he had a small crush on him.

"What do you want, Adrian?" She asked.

"Flint!" He said.

"Merlin's beard! In a fight?" Arabella asked and Adrian nodded, "really? It's the third in the week!"

Arabella stood up and out of the compartment, leaving Cedric and Adrian awkwardly inside. There were students looking out of the compartments to where the fight was taking place. It was in the dinning compartment, which wasn't used for dinner at all, it was a large compartment that the older students often used. When Arabella got there, the others opened up like the Red Sea so she could go through. People respected her, not only because her dad was Snape but also because she broke Terence Higgs's jaw with her fist the first day because he made fun of Cedric.

"What's going on in here?!" She yelled.

"Snape? What are you doing here?" A Gryffindor boy the age of Marcus said.

"Why is Marcus pinned to the wall by two others?" Arabella asked.

"I can handle it, Ara... ouch!" He said as one of the guys who was pinning him hit him in the gut.

Arabella took her wand and pointed it at the one who was holding her friend.

"Mucus ad Nauseam!" She said and then pointed at the other one, "Locomotor Wibbly!" Arabella watched as the hexes acted upon her friend's aggressors.

"Thanks, but I could deal with them" Marcus said.

"Obviously" she said sarcastically, "now, Wood, right? Three 'gainst one?" She tutted and tucked her wand in her boot and rolled up her right sleeve.

"You really think you scare me?" Wood said.

"You should be scared, dude" Terence said rubbing his jaw, "I am"

Arabella approached Oliver Wood and stood just before him, a head and a half lower.

"I need to tell you something, shrank a little, would you?" Arabella asked and he did, laughing. Before you could say 'Quidditch', Arabella's fist had made contact with Oliver's nose.

ALWAYS (Harry Potter fanfiction) (Snape fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora