Chapter 22

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Arabella concentrated on not to vomit while they were spinning, holding on to a smelly old boot. Cedric had a strong grip on her hand. When Mr. Weasley yelled at them to let go off the boot, Arabella took a deep breath and prepared for the hard fall to the ground. Instead, Cedric pulled her hand as they let go, his Dad had taught him how to float graciously instead of falling face first. Arabella waited for the tough fall but instead found herself clinging to Cedric and floating while her friend walked on air, quite literally.

"It's okay, just walk" Cedric smiled down at her.

"Just walk, yeah, I can do that" Arabella let out a shaky breath and moved her feet. She felt the air pushing back, balancing her. Arabella laughed, this was not so bad.

They looked down, the rest was sprawled on the floor, George had landed on top of Hermione, and Ginny was crushing Ron's foot. They walked down calmly, smirking at the others.

"Saying hello to the ground, George?" Arabella asked sweetly as she helped Harry stand up, brushing leaves and grass from his hair, "you need a haircut" she told him, inspecting the new length.

"Yes, mum" Harry rolled his eyes at his sister, which earned him a smack on the head. Well deserved, if you asked Arabella.

Mr. Diggory set the tent, which was about two square meters at plain sight, and told Cedric and Arabella to get in. Inside, the tent was the size of a house, with three rooms, two bathrooms and its own kitchen. After putting all of their things in place, Arabella and Cedric went out to explore the campsite.

They ran into a group of kids speaking in French, some of the girls were particularly interested in Cedric, who could honestly not understand what they were saying. Arabella felt kind of left out, since the girls had kind of closed the circle, with Cedric inside. The sixteen year old girl tried to say something but the French girls just glared at her, so she decided to drop it. Arabella decided to walk around while Cedric was busy with the rude girls, she kept walking, kicking a pebble she had found laying around, when she bumped into someone.

"Snape?" Arabella heard and looked up, she smiled.

"Hello, Wood" Arabella smiled at him and hugged him, "it's been a while" since that day when Oliver had asked Arabella out, they hadn't talked or even seen each other, apart from the Quidditch match, needless to say, they never actually went out.

"How- uh... how have you been? I heard about- you know..." Oliver tried to be sensitive but he was just really socially awkward unless it came to Quidditch.

"I'm good, thanks. You know, just one day at a time" Arabella shrugged and smiled at him.

"And living life to the fullest, right?"

"Right" Arabella nodded. Oliver excused himself, since he saw a couple of his friends from afar.

"Was that Wood?" Someone said from behind Arabella, startling her and making her do two things. The first one, she screamed- loudly. The second, as she screamed, she turned around and sent a right swing to whoever's scared her. "Ow" he said and fell to the ground.

"George! You startled me!" Arabella yelled at him and kneeled next to him.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to hit me" George said, coughing and trying to get air back to his lungs.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Arabella asked concerned.

"Yeah, just, you know. You owe me two, now" George said, taking the hand Arabella was offering to him and stood up, towering over the slytherin girl. If she stood upright, she only reached his shoulder, and maybe barely touch his chin if she stood in her tiptoes.

ALWAYS (Harry Potter fanfiction) (Snape fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt