Chapter 10

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In the loving memory of Carrie Fisher, she will always be in our hearts. May the force accompany her in her journey through eternity.

Arabella sat on the Slytherin table with a frown upon her face. She watched as students were sorted, but she couldn't care less. Adrian Pucey was sitting next to her, he seemed concerned about her, but he knew she would probably tell him to leave her alone. Arabella could sense her father's mind bugging in her head, so she lifted up her shields. Somewhen, during the sorting, Draco went to sit next to her.

"I heard Potter treated you bad" Draco told her, staring at her hair.

"Don't worry about it, Drae" Arabella smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "I'm sure it will return to what it was in no time"

Arabella put an arm around Draco's shoulders and hoping to be right on what she had said seconds ago. Draco took Arabella's other hand and felt as Viper slipped from Arabella's cloak to Draco's.


Arabella sulked through the corridors like a ghost. No one talked to her and she talked to no one. Everyone avoided her, and she avoided everyone. Severus was concerned about his eldest daughter, but he could never ask her what was wrong, she was the last to arrive to potions and the first to leave. And asking Elena was no use, she had no idea.

"Arabella" Severus called one day during potions, "stay after class, please"

"I can't, I have Quidditch" Arabella said.

"I'm sure they'll excuse you for ten minutes" Severus said, with his final word.

Arabella finished her potion and waited for the class to end. She watched as Fred, George and Lee mixed the ingredients incorrectly. She closed her eyes and opened them again, looking everything black with a white outline. She could feel her skin cracking. Arabella saw the purple energy travel to Fred's cauldron. Somehow, she managed to get his potion to stop bubbling with a gross brown colour. Once again, Arabella closed and opened her eyes. No one had seen her. Good.

Class ended before she expected. George's and Lee's potions had gone terribly wrong. George's melted the cauldron and Lee's made bubbles that smelled like cow manure when they popped. Fred was amazed with himself, he couldn't figure out what had he done correct. He then saw Arabella, her face was paler than usual. Her spiky black and red hair gave her the essence of evil, even though Fred knew she was a softy. She wore her uniform in a messy way, her tie was undone and her robes were wrinkly.

"Talk to her" Fred heard someone say behind him. It was Adrian Pucey.

"To whom?" Fred asked, pretending not to know.

"Don't play stupid, Weasley, even though it's not difficult for you. You and I both know you need each other. She's practically falling apart. It hurts me to see her like that. And I know it hurts you too" Pucey said before going to where Ella was.

Adrian looked at Ella and smiled at her, putting his hand on top of hers. Fred would be lying if he said he was not jealous. Ella smiled at Adrian, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, it had no emotion. Adrian gave a soft kiss in her temple and left the room, not before giving Fred a look.

"You are all dismissed" Snape said loudly.

Everyone left but the twins. But after a glare from Snape they practically ran to the door. They decided to eavesdrop.

Arabella stayed in her place, not bothering to look at Severus. The black-haired man took his potions book and slammed it in the table. Arabella didn't even flinch, she just stared blankly at the wall.

"Arabella, I'm sick of you acting like this" Severus told her. Receiving no response, "your sister and I are worried about you"

"Don't be, it's my life. I'm fine, Dad. I don't need you baby-ing me all the freaking time" Arabella answered, "I have to go to Quidditch"

"No, you don't. I'm sorry, but you are suspended from the Quidditch team until you change your attitude" Severs said, frighteningly calm.

"So you're taking away from the the only thing that makes me feel somewhat less miserable?!" Arabella yelled at him.

It was true, though. Quidditch was now Arabella's only escape from reality, the only time she could forget no one talked to her. Arabella was furious, she could feel tears burning her eyes, but she didn't let them fall, not with her father there.

"You should thank me for worrying about you! Most parents don't know what their kids go through in school!" Severus yelled at her.

"You don't know either" Arabella muttered.

"Would it kill you to be less of an ungrateful brat?!" Severus yelled at his daughter, she was hurt, of course. But she didn't let him know.

"Would it kill you not to be an asshole to Harry for once?! He's my brother, the only thing I have left from my mother, and because of you, he pushed me away! All because you were jealous of James Potter, because Mum chose him over you! And to be honest, I can see why!" Arabella yelled, letting out all of her anger.

She was sent to the floor, with her cheek burning from the pain. This time she couldn't hide the tears. She stood up, fuming in anger. Her face was red with anger, but a handprint rested in her left cheek.

"If you excuse me, professor, I have homework that needs to be done" Arabella said, venomously.

The young girl took her bag, knocking over a cauldron, but not bothering with it. She stormed out of the classroom, not noticing that Fred and George were there, listening to everything.

Fred wanted to go after her, but George stopped him. He knew Arabella well enough, to know that when she had that kind of look in her eyes, she is better be left alone. George knew, because he had received that type of look several times when bugging her.

Arabella walked to the Common Room, she entered her dorm and headed to the bathroom. She checked herself in the mirror, seeing her father's handprint in her face. The girl sighed and started to take off her uniform, after deciding to call it a day. She glanced at the first aid kit, normal muggle stuff placed in every bathroom in case of emergency. She opened it and inside saw painkillers, alcohol, a scalpel, an anti acne potion, bandages, etc. She took a couple of painkillers and after making sure she had what she needed, closed the aid kit again. She enclosed herself in the shower, turning the hot water on, letting it take away all of her problems, as if it was possible. The water and soap made the damage sting, never had she passed through something like that.

She left the showers, putting a long-sleeved pyjama and warm pants. Without doing any homework, she entered her bed and closed her eyes, se laid in her right side, te left one was hurting quite a bit after her father's slap.

George went to search for Elena, perhaps she knew what was up with her sister. The ginger boy would ever admit it, but he was worried about her, even more so now, after Snape slapped her and suspended her from Quidditch. He knew that the sport was not something one could mess with with Arabella.

"Hey, Elena" George found the girl in the library.

"Weasley, what do you want?" She asked him, just annoyed by his presence.

"What's up with your sister?" He asked bluntly.

"I don't know, and even if I did, I don't know why would I tell you" Elena answered.

"I'm just worried, after all, your father did slap her" George muttered, but thanks to the small amount of people in the library, Elena could hear well enough.

"He did what?!" Elena blurted out, an angry energy seemed to radiate from her.

"Shhh!!" Mrs. Prince hushed her, but Elena paid no attention, instead, she took her things and headed to the Dungeons, there was some serious talk she needed to have with Severus Snape.

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