Chapter 33

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First of all, hello guys, girls, theys and all in between. Second, I did concept art for Arabella, and I am planning to do some for Altan as well, which you can find on my instagram profile, the link is in my bio. I really hope you like it. I really hope you can check it out, I am especially excited about your reaction about the wand, I designed it just for her. I will also design one for Altan ♡
Lots of love

Arabella was waiting for Charlie to arrive right by Hagrid's hut. She also handed Hagrid her essay. To her surprise, he told her she didn't have to turn it in, and neither did George, who were apparently the only ones that put an ounce of attention to the class, the only ones that were interested in what he was saying. Arabella was wondering whether or not to tell George he didn't have to do it... she'd tell him tomorrow... perhaps.

"So, Ar'bella, yeh real' goin' to Maz'ology?" Asked Hagrid.

"Yeah, all the time I spent here last year, talking to you, and the time I spent with Charlie at the Burrow, it's made me realize that this is what I want to do" Arabella told him as she petted one of the Winged Horses that had come with the Beauxbatons, "perhaps when I start working, you'd want to visit sometime, I could really use your help". From under all the bushy hair, Arabella could see Hagrid's face turning a bright shade of red.

"Ah, there you are, Bella!" Charlie Weasley came out of the Forbidden Forest, "how you doing, Hagrid?"

" 'ello, Charlie" Hagrid told him.

"Come on, before they start to wake up" Charlie nodded at them, and started walking towards the woods.

"Yeh go 'head. I 'otta fill them buckets with whiskey" Hagrid said, pointing at the winged horses.

"Okay, see you later then, Hagrid"

Arabella walked next to Charlie, and told him about Professor Moody. His teaching methods had been unusual but he was the best DADA teacher he had done after Remus... well, taking in consideration that one had been Voldemort in disguise, and the other one had been a fraud with a nice smile, the bar was not very high.

"He performed the Imperius curse on you?" Charlie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, he said we'd rather be under it now, and know how to fight it, than in a battle, when we have no idea what to do"  Arabella said casually, "I get his point, I really do. I mean, the class is supposed to teach us go defend ourselves against the Dark Arts, but so far, we haven't really done it, up until last year"

"Yeah, I totally get it. Moody is probably the best one to teach that. He is the best auror the Ministry has ever had. His apprentices are always the best of the department, that's what my Dad said" Charlie nodded, "so, how did you do resisting the imperius curse?"

"Well-" Arabella started, then remembered the lesson.

It surprised everyone when Moody told them he was going to perform the Imperius Curse to them, to teach them control it. It was only the second class, so anyone could say that it escalated quickly. Moody had been especially disappointed with the education they had been given, and made very clear that they were behind in the Defense Against the Dark Arts subjects. He mentioned that what they knew, they should have known by fourth year. He expected wizards and witches that had approved their O.WL.s to be at least able to perform nonverbal spells and do a full Patronus. He was disappointed Lupin had not taught them.

"But sir, you said that anyone that performed the Imperius Curse on another human being would be awarded a one way trip to Azkaban" said Gryffindor girl, Angelina Johnson.

"No one is making you stay, Johnson, if you want to learn how to resist it in mid battle, you are excused off this class" Moody had both his eyes glued to Angelina, whose dark face acquired red tints, and muttered an apology.

One by one, students were put under the Imperius Curse. Moody made Fred walk around the room in his hands; George had to go to the kitchens for pumpkin juice for everyone, it had been quite amusing to see him balance all of the cups in his arms and head; then Moody had Adrian imitate a duck.

"Snape, you're up" Moody called once Adrian had stopped chasing Alicia Spinnet. Arabella stood in front of everyone, "Imperio" Professor Moody said, pointing his wand at Arabella.

Arabella honestly thought she would feel different, as if someone else was inside her body controlling it, or another presence in her head. But she felt nothing. Professor Moody furrowed his brows, and seemed to concentrate more, but Arabella just tilted her head at him. She then closed her eyes and imagined herself inside her mind, seeing the walls she had built since years ago. They only ever came down with specific people, Altan had been one of them, her dad was another. Someone seemed to be kicking the wall on the other side. She visualized a door, with a see hole.

"Hello?" She asked. A big blue eye and a small dark one appeared.

"Your father did a.good job teaching you Occlumency" Moody smiled and disappeared.

Arabella opened her eyes to see Moody smiling at her. Everyone else was staring open-mouthed.

"You see, she not only resisted it, Snape here is what you'd call, an Occlumens, she is able to close her mind off, to protect it. If you want, if you put effort in your classes, I can teach you to do it. I can teach you to perform Occlumency and Legilimency, which, Miss Snape, I suppose you are trained in" Moody looked at Arabella, she nodded, "who would want to learn?" Hands flew up, "well, then put some effort in resisting the Imperius Curse. As soon as all of you resist it, we'll move to the Patronus cham, and then Occlumency and Legilimancy, then the shield charm, we will learn about Inferius and then we will finish off with nonverbal spells. All in favor shoot red sparks with your wands, all against, shoot gold sparks"

No gold sparks were shot.

"-so we now have to work our asses off to be able to cover the extra topic" Arabella finished explaining.

"You are just full of surprises, aren't you?" Charlie chuckled, "has everyone managed to resist yet?"

"Nope, Angelina Johnson and Worrington are still not able to do it, but they're pretty close so Moody expects to start the Patronus before Christmas".

"Look, they're over there" Charlie smiled, and pointed at a dark part of the woods. When they got closer, small torches were illuminating the campsite, as well as small orbs of light floating around.

It was there most beautiful thing Arabella had ever seen. It seemed like out of a fairytale. In big cages were some of the most amazing creatures in the world. Dragons. They were awake, and looked weary. Arabella got near them. Three of the four growled, but one almost seemed to purr. Steam was exiting its nosestrills.

"This is the Chinese Fireball you told me about?" Arabella asked Charlie, and got closer to the dragon. She carefully put her hand in front of her snout for her to sniff.

"Yes, she now let us get close to her as long as we don't make a direct approach to her eggs. Uhm- I wouldn't put my hand that close-" Charlie started but shut up once he saw the dragon had rested its snout in Arabella's hand, "Bloody hell, Arabella! We had never been able to touch her when she was completely awake" Charlie exclaimed and called his friends from the sanctuary to watch the interaction.

Arabella was stroking the Fireball's snout softly. The dragon closed its eyes and rested in the cage's floor. As everyone arrived, the other dragons were annoyed by the commotion around, and adding the fact that the stunning charms had completely worn off, they started breathing fire at the dragon tamers. The Fireball grunted and raised her head, but did nothing. It was not until the others sent dragons directly at her and Arabella, that she responded with a roar, and then with her own fire blast.

It was probably the best thing Arabella had seen.

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