Chapter 30

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In the loving memory of Helen McCrory, who has reportedly died after a heroic battle with cancer, surrounded by her loving family. She was a great actress, and we may always have her in our hearts as the perfect Narcissa Malfoy. My heart goes to her loved ones.

When dinner came, Arabella had started fidgeting with her fingers, ripping small pieces of skin off them, after having eaten all of her fingernails already. She was visibly anxious, and the fact that Igor Karkaroff kept his eyes on her the entire time, didn't help her.

Right before dinner, she had encountered Karkaroff, who almost traps her against the wall, glaring at her with hard eyes. It was only when Professor Moody arrived that Karkaroff left.

"You okay, kiddo?" Professor Moody had asked her.

"Yeah, he seems to hate me for some reason..." Arabella mentioned, getting shivers down her spine.

"You know he worked for Voldemort, right? They let him go because he gave information about Death Eaters in the Ministry" Moody walked with her. She nodded.

"I am aware, I've seen him look strangely at Harry too, but that is expected, I mean, he is Harry Potter after all, but I'm just me. Nothing special about me" Arabella shrugged.

"Not from what I've heard. I know you are one of the best witches at the school, you take after your mother, I suppose, and your healing abilities..." Professor Moody trailed off.

"How did you...?" It was supposed to be a secret, not many people knew of it.

"Professor Dumbledore might have mentioned it" Professor Moody shrugged it as if it was nothing, "now, can you do a Patronus?" He asked.

Arabella flicked her wand and from the tip, a silvery blue figure emerged. She expected a friendly seal, swimming around, but instead she saw a small bird fly around, as in a patrol, before flying in front of Arabella's face, sticking its small tongue out at her.

"Well, that's new, hello little guy" Arabella giggled.

"What do you mean, 'new'?" Moody asked.

"It used to be a seal. Of course, I hadn't done one ever since my brother died" she mentioned.

"Well, some emotionally events, especially events that leave a scar, whether it's positive or negative, they tend to alter one's patronus. Some say that they only change when you find your soulmate, what a bunch of dung! A Patronus, much like an Animagus form, reflect your insides, who you are as a person, and of course something that imprints emotionally on you, might change you, and as small as that change is, it will somehow affect who you are" Moody explained, "well, what I was going with this, if Karkaroff starts acting strange, send that little guy over to me, I would not love anything more than being able to finally get him go Azkaban myself" Moody said, as he walked over to the staff table, laughing to himself.

Arabella kept fidgeting with her fingers, and Adrian noticed. He grabbed her hands to stop her for harming herself even more, her fingers had started bleeding, and she hadn't even noticed, her eyes were fixed on the Goblet's blue fire. The benches and tables were still all around the walls, the Goblet was still in the middle of the vast room.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for!" Dumbledore called as everyone took a seat, "the Champions selection!" He put out the fire of the fireplaces and lamps, leaving only the blue fire to illuminate the room. The fire of the Goblet became red, everyone was visibly excited, a small paper erupted from the fire before the it turned blue once again. Dumbledore read it, "the Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" Everyone clapped, even Arabella, whose hands were still being held by Adrian, she just kind of clapped with Adrian's hands, if that makes sense. Viktor stood up, shook Dumbledore's hand and went to the room next door. The fire became a purplish red, and expelled another paper, "the champion for Beauxbatons... is Fleur Delacour!" The Beauxbatons students clapped, some of the boys looked jealous, but if the Goblet had chosen her, it meant she was the best among them all. Fleur shook Dumbledore's hand too, and left to where Viktor had. Another paper, "the Hogwats champion: Cedric Diggory!"

Arabella's breath got caught in her throat, and she started to hyperventilate. Everyone clapped loudly, but not her, she tried to make sense of what was happening. Her mind started working faster, on every way she would help Cedric, keep him safe. There was nothing she could do, only support him and do whatever she could to get him through the tasks in one piece. After shaking Dumbledore's hand, he looked at Arabella, who put on a brave face and nodded at him, smiling. She knew Cedric was the best, which is why she was so scared that if he put his name in, he would be chosen... and he was.

"Excellent!" Called Dumbledore, "We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in History. Only one will hoist this chalice of Champions!" Mr. Crouch brought out a big cup, almost the same size as professor Flitwick, "-this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!" Arabella had to admit, the cup was beautiful. Its handles were handsome silver dragons, holding what seemed to be a glass cup.

As everyone clapped, Arabella noticed the blue fire start flickering, so she freed herself from Adrian's grip, and walked quickly but quietly to her father, she pulled softly his robe.

"Dad, there's something wrong with the Goblet!" Arabella muttered to him. He took notice of it and got closer.

This action got Dumbledore's attention, who turned around to see the Goblet's fire behaving oddly. The fire had just turned red again. Sparks were flying out of it. A long flame shot sudde ly into the air, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment... and then Dumbledre cleared his throat and read out-

"Harry Potter" he said quietly first, almost in a whisper, "Harry Potter!" He called loudly. Everyone, including Arabella, turned to look at Harry. She saw Harry sit down, trying not to attract attention to himself, but it was too late.

"Dad, there must be a mistake!" Arabella told him, he looked at his daughter and nodded firmly.

Hermione pulled Harry out of his seat and pushed him to Dumbledore, while Hagrid glanced at Arabella worriedly, they were both in disbelief. There was absolutely no way Harry would have been able to put his name in the Goblet, he was only fourteen. There was no cheering, actually, the Great Hall was in complete silence, the only thing echoing were Harry's footsteps as he walked back to the room where the other champions were. Everyone was judging him.

"He's a cheat!" A boy yelled.

"Oi! Shut it before I shut you up myself!" Arabella yelled at him.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" He yelled again.

"I said: SHUT IT!" Arabella yelled.

As Harry walked, he gave his sister a worried look, she gave him an encouraging look. McGonagall put a hand on his shoulder sympathetically. Harry entered the other room, and Arabella followed the teachers that trailed behind him, arguing among themselves.

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