Matchmaking Day- RoWen

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Lucy's pov

RoWen and JeRza are left! My ships are sailing! I went to Romeo and drag him to the bar.

"Romeo, you like Wendy right?" I asked him.

"W-What?" He asked.

"Admit it." I said.

"O-Ok. Y-Yes, I like her." He said while blushing as red as a tomato.

"You want her to be your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes!" He said without stuttering.

"Here's the plan: I'll attack you with one hit and leave you unconcious outside the guild. Mira will tell Wendy that there's a job requested for her. She will go out and see you unconcious on the ground. She will heal you and blah blah blah. When you wake up she will confess to you. If she asks you what happened, tell her that you got attacked by strong wizards. Deal?" I explained to him and  breath in and out.

"Deal." He said. We went out and went to the forest.

"Your Princess will save you. So don't worry." I said which made him blush.

"Celestial Dragon Roar!" The attack hit him and he falls on the ground unconcious. I pick him up and place him outside of the guild. I teleported inside at the wnd floor.

Mira's pov

"Wendy!" I said.

"Yes Mira-san?" She asked while walking to me.

"There's a job requested for you. I know you can handle it. Good Luck!" I said. She picks the paper and read it.

"Ok Mira-san!" She said and walks to the door. She opens it to see Romeo on the ground bruised pretty badly. I look up at Lucy.

'I gave him mercy. Don't worry.'

She said through telepathy. I nod and look at Wendy.

"ROMEO!!!" She screams getting the attention of everyone.

"What happened to my son?" Macao shouts while running to Romeo. He picks him up and carries  him to the guild's infirmary.

Wendy's pov

I run with Uncle Macao to the infirmary. He places Romeo down on a bed and I begin healing him.

"How is he?" Uncle asked.

"He's fine. Just some bruises and scratches. That's all." I said. He sighs in relief.

"I'm going out now. Tell me when he wakes up." He said and walks out of the infirmary. I finished healing me and fell asleep beside him.

Romeo's pov

I wake up feeling dizzy. Oh yeah!  I look beside me to see my little angel sleeping I sat up which caused her to wake up because of my movements.

"Romeo!" She jumps up and hugs me.

"You don't know how worried I was? What happened to you? I was so worried. I love you Romeo!" She said while crying. I gently stroke her hair.

"I love you too Wendy." I said and kiss her on her lips. She's shock at first but kisses me back.

"So what happened to you?" She asked.

"I was attacked by some strong wizards. But I'm okay now. Wendy, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She screams and hugs me. I hug her back.

Mira's pov

"Young Love!" Lucy and I shouted.

"The one and only JeRza is left." I said while smirking evilly.

"All our ships in one day! Isn't it great!?!" I shouted.

"Super!" Lucy shouted.

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