3 demons

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Lucy's pov ~ After 2 weeks ~

Dragon Slayer Sickness and Mating Season is now done! Natsu marked me kn my necj. The mark are flemes. And I think Luke has a crush on Asuka. They hang out a lot during the Mating Season.

"Ohayo Minna!" I said as I enter the guild.

"Ohayo Lucy!" Everyone replies. I went to the bar and sat down.

"Ohayo Mira!" I greeted.

"Ohayo Lucy! What do you want?" She asked.

"Strawberry Milkshake." I said. She smiles and started making my milkshake. She comes back and places my milkshake infront of me.

"Arigato Mira!" I said.

"No Problem Lucy!" Mira said and goes back to work. I watch the guild as I sip my milkshake. Luke comes up to me with Zeref, Mark and Sven.

"Lucy-nee/ Lucy-san......" They started.

"What is it? I know you want something when you call me that." I said.

"You got us. We want to go on an SSS- Class job with you." Zeref said with Puppy eyes. The others started doing their most adorable Puppy Eyes.

"Fine. But I'll pick." I said. They nod and I went to the 4th floor. I look at the board to see a heaven full of requests. I scan each of them and pick the hardest. I went down and show it to them.

Please Help!

A dark guild with 3 huge demons are attacking the village!

Place: Lilac Village
Reward: 100, 000, 000, 000 jewels

P.S.: You may want to bring some wizards with you too help.

"Cool! Let's go!" Luke said. I call Stella and told her about the job. We teleported in the train station and bought tickets for us. The train arrived and we all went in. The train started moving.

"We should really bring those demons back to Hell." Zeref said.

"I'll talk to Mom about that. She should tell Satan not to let those demons out except for important reasons." I said.

"But there is no important reason to go out." Luke said.

"We will ask them about that." I said.

"Lulu can I sleep?" Stella asked. I nod and place her on my lap.

"She really likes to sleep." Mark said.

"She's a big sleepy head." Sven said.

"That's what I love and hate about her." I said.

"Thank God she's asleep." Sven said.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"If she heard you say that you hate her, she will cry for who-knows-how-long." Mark said. Me and my brothers made an 'o' shape on our mouth. Sven and Luke fell asleep after a few minutes. I put them on my lap. And what surprised me is that they fit. Luke slept on Zeref's lap.

"Are you gonna sleep?" I asked Zeref.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. The rest fo the ride was silent. We arrived at Lilac Village and went off the train after we woke the sleepy heads up. We started searching for the Mayor's house. We found the Mayor's house after searching for hours. I knock 3 times on the door and a girl with brown hair and green eyes opened it.

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