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'I dedicate this song to you,

The one who never sees the truth,

That I can take away your hurt, Heartbreak girl.'


"3,2,1....GO!" Me and Chloe shouted at the screen in anticipation. We have been sat cross legged on my blue carpet in my room for 2 hours now with the laptop at the ready, finger on track pad, waiting for that stupid timer to stop so we can get our tickets for a certain band. If you haven't already noticed, I'm in love with 5 seconds of summer, especially Ashton Irwin. It makes my tummy feel funny just thinking about him, like how can someone make such a perfect creation of a human being? its not even possible but then Ashton is born and once again science is wrong. I don't even know what I'm going on about now but when his name is mentioned I go off on one and talk non stop if its in my head or out of my mouth, saying nonsen-

"OI MELANIE" Chloe said, more like screamed in my right ear making me jump at the sudden sound and clamping my hands over my ears to stop the ringing

"What now Chloe?" I answered in a more quieter tone to my best friend who had a big smile on her face. her brown hair was tied up into a pony tail with a plain purple T-shirt and shorts showing off her tanned legs.

"You were off in your own little bubble again" she replied her face growing slightly before turning back to a smile, whats up with her?

"What's it to you dude? Can't I just leave this boring world to imagine about Ashton again? No didn't think so, I don't like reality because we live In England and nothing exciting ever happens here....." I retaliated, like I can't block out everything and everyone for a few minutes because no one will let me. As you can see me and Chloe have had yet another mini argument over nothing, to be honest its more like banter. plus everybody knows not to interrupt on my day dreams as its like when I sleep, I will get to a good part which involves me and Ashton then BOOM I either get woken up or shouted at making me zone back to the real world.

"Sorry to butt in on your oh so special dream about Mr Irwin, but check this out...LOOK!" I spun my head around so fast I thought I was going to get light headed but little did I know that might happen from what I was about to witness. I followed to where Chloe's finger was pointing at on my apple mac then I froze... Oh.My.God

It read in bold CAPITAL letters


literally shocked, motion less, i couldn't even hear Chloe's loud excited screams filling my bedroom, it sounded more like muffled mouse squeaks and that's why she had that smile on her face. I now knew that after all these dreams i had to make my life more fun and interesting, it could happen this year because we are actually going to meet our all time favourite Aussie boys also known as 5 seconds of summer.

* 1 hour later *

Its been an hour since the shock of my life happened, literally. Its all sunk into my brain finally, like were actually going to breath the same air as them, taking selfies with them and talking to them. Oh I almost forgot AND meeting freaking ASHTON IRWIN.

But with all the questions and feelings going through my head it still didn't feel real, until yet again Chloe interrupted me by pinching my arm.

I jumped up in pain while rubbing the spot she hurt and glared at her, well the best glare I could attempt anyway because she just burst out laughing nearly falling off my bed because we moved from the floor to bounce on my bed now we were chillin, I was surprised that it never broke as we have done this many times before from previous reasons. Wish she did fall off though because that would have been a funny sight to see,

I'm a bad friend..oops

"Melanie, Chloe tea is ready. Oh and darling Dean is here with Harper, so hurry up. we don't want to be waiting for you for long" my mum shouted up the stairs before I heard her foot steps retreat away.

"Okay mum be down in a minute!" I screamed from my room even if she couldn't hear me i hoped to hurt Chloe's ears instead because payback with the noise but nope, nothing, not even a little ow or shut up.

"urgh, Chloe you do know I hate you" I huffed on defeat crossing my arms over my chest

"Pfft haha you couldn't hate me even if you tried to, Mel you love me to much" she responded with a giggle, standing up reaching her hand out to me to get me off the bed

"I know.. its true" I sighed grabbing onto her out stretched arm, both of us made our way downstairs for tea and to see my big bro with is fiancé.

"What's up ma bruda" I said to Dean my 20 year old brother who mostly acts like he is half his age. we did our special handshake we made up when I was 8, as mum and Harper was setting the table, with Chole observing

"Sweetheart why are you wearing that top again, its so rude." mum interrupted mine and Deans conversation motioning to my outfit, I was wearing a strappy black top with this skeleton hand sticking up its middle finger which Dream actually got me for my birthday last year but mother doesn't let me wear it outside in public if I'm with here because its embarrassing and not acceptable in today's society.

I couldn't be bothered to reply to mum as i would get the same answer so i asked Dean how he was and what's happened over the months I haven't seen him as he lives up in Birmingham with Harper and that's like an hours drive from here and I'm to lazy to drive up there

"Nothing much lil sis, um why were you screaming upstairs" dean spoke with confusion pointing up. i turned to Chloe before speaking.

"Dean, that wasn't just me who screamed it was Chloe also. Oh and just to let you ALL know...." I started to say with my arms stretched wide to show I was talking to all the people in the room with which consisted on mum, dean and harper because my dad wasn't in the same room right now

"....WE GOT TICKETS FOR 5SOS! Ahhhh!" I shouted from the top of my lungs, then grabbed onto Chloe and we jumped up and did a happy dance with big smiles on our faces. ignoring all the laughing before it went quiet again with mums comment

"Shhh Melanie, the neighbours-" mum sad in a hushed tone. "-now everyone sit down at the table, oh Dean go get your farther from the study please"

"Yes mum..." Dean answered while walking out of the dinning room. as us girls settled at a seat

* After Tea *

"That was lovely darling, you are an excellent chef" Dad told my mum before he gave her a quick kiss. Urgh its weird to see your parents kiss because they are old and your parents! and no its just horrible

"Okay mum before this gets anymore gross, me and Chloe are going to get ready for bed, and probably watch films after. okay?"

"That's fine just don't stay up too late" I think she forgets that I'm 18 an not a chubby little teenager anymore

"Thanks mum" I answered while me and Chloe ran back upstairs after grabbing food from the pantry then to my room for a movie night. We changed into our PJs, found some films, then sat on my bed with loads of pillows and blankets surrounding us including the food,

like we are in a birds nest but instead of twigs its pillows, oh and there isn't any birds feeding us manky thing through its mouth. I over think things too much sometimes.

We - I mean I have now watched 2 and a bit of films because Chloe fell asleep through the first one which was Paul (you know that weird alien who goes on a road trip with these 2 men, so he can get back home again) and it was only around 7 when it started? i think its because all her energy got drained from the excitement earlier, she is a weird child.

i turned the TV off pushing the rest of the un-eaten food onto my floor which i will clean tomorrow if i remember, and then started to close my eyes as sleep was taking over my mind, that's when I found myself drifting off to dreamland thinking of the one and only boy in a band


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