I Can't Explain What I See [Chen]

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This one will be broken down into two parts. Here's Part 1!


It's a Saturday and you're in the city for your weekly day-out with your best friend. Today, she suggests that you spend time in the cafe you both frequent a lot. She has something important to tell you, apparently. From the subway station, a 5-minute walk will get you to your destination. As people rush to pour out onto the streets, you take care not get squished by the hustling crowd. The lady in front of you has an awfully slow pace, so you overtake her. But the new guy before you stops abruptly in his track, only to cause your face to directly hit his leather covered, broad (not to mention, firm) back. "OW!" You shout out in pain.

"I should be the one shouting, lady." The man in question turns around, taking off his shades and clipping it to his white shirt beneath the expensive jacket. He grimaces upon setting his eyes on you. For a few different reason, you're too stunned to give an immediate reply to his unapologetic remark. Those reasons include his surprisingly handsome features yet staggering impudence. "What kind face do you have to make my back hurt this much?"

He follows his comment by fixing his black leather jacket and stretching his upper body, making some cracking sound. There's no denying; this man is fit. But not even his good looks and pretty, up-curling lips can compensate for his obnoxious attitude.

"Excuse you. You were the one who stopped walking out of nowhere," you fire back at him before he thinks he can get away with his rudeness. At this point, the crowd from the latest subway has dispersed and only a few passersby roam the area.

"Unless you have a nervous disorder or you're blind, wouldn't you know to stop when the person in front of you does the same?" With that rhetorical question, he looks back at you with a disinterested look. Before you get to formulate a reply, he pipes up and his face brightens up a few watts too many. The young man approaches you and bends down a little to peer at your face, not that he needs to when you consider his height. "Or did you do that on purpose, just to get to know me?"

You scoff at his ridiculous conclusions. Someone has been diagnosed with extreme narcissism, it seems. "I'd rather run into a lamp pole. At least it brightens people's day." You jab a finger to his chest, and although the solid muscle underneath those clothes makes you falter, it doesn't show on your face.

Much to your surprise, his hand wraps around your finger.

"Night." His one-word reply puzzles you for a moment. Then he smugly clarifies. "A lamp pole doesn't light up in the day. If it does, then it's as useless as you bumping into me just to know me."

You wriggle your finger free from his grip before responding. This guy doesn't have common sense, you concluded. He isn't even apologetic in the slightest.

"If it helps with your self-esteem, then I'll let you pretend that you've outsmarted me, arrogant wretch," you spat before turning in your heels to leave him. He takes your hand in a swift motion and forces a smooth black card, his business card, into it before releasing you free. You don't even get to yell at him to let you go.

"Can I at least get your name?"

"As if I'd ever tell you."

"Fine, suit yourself, lady." He simply shrugs.

Stupefied, you catch him smiling satisfiedly and walking the opposite direction from you, bidding farewell with, "Call me soon."

You glance at the card in your hand; printed in bold letters is the name 'Chen Kim'. "Yeah right. Like I'd ever call you."

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