It's Because I Love You [Lay]

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A/N: I'll update Mark's story soon! But until then, enjoy a moment with the hardworking Yixing!

"Does it hurt, Yixing?" You ask your husband, who lies facing downwards on the bed, as your hands carefully massage his sore body. Your heart aches to see the bruises on his body from his activites as an idol.

"Hmm, a little. But I feel much better now," he mumbles, feeling comfortable with your soothing gestures. You know he added the last sentence just to lift your worries but it only pains you even more.

As a sigh escapes your lips, Yixing mentally prepares himself for a series of your nagging. You hate doing it since he doesn't change anyway, but you somehow hold hopes that it will get through his thick skull one day.

"Why on earth would you take part in pulling a 42.4 tonnes airplane for 10 metres? What kind of show makes such a ridiculous challenge?" You say, feeling slightly exasperate at both the production team of his game show and your husband himself.

"It's just a normal thing. Even the other older brothers have no problem with the task. I'm the youngest among them, so I can handle it. Don't worry, dear," he reassures you but you've grown tired of listening to his constant 'no worries'.

"Well, they've never tied sandbags to their bodies as they danced till they hurt their spines, have they? They've never suffered endless injuries for prolonged durations, have they?" You shoot back bitterly, feeling an intense mix of anger and frustration. Yixing goes silent as he turns his body to sit up on the bed and takes your hands into his. He faces you with his innocent puppy face, making you falter but not quite enough.

You continue, "How is pulling a massive plane wih your bare hands ever normal? Go out and ask the whole city if anyone has ever tied an airplane to themselves, then pulled it for 10 metres. I dare you to find someone who can answer 'yes' to that question, then I'll stop nagging you for good."

At first, Yixing is actually considering asking Show Luo, one of the guys who did drag the plane with him, if he is in the city. Then he realises that you only meant that in a metaphorical way.

"But it's the nature of game shows. Tasks like these make the show more interesting and adventurous," he sincerely explains. It isn't just the nature of those programmes; it's ultimately the nature of his career in its entirety.

"Of course, it appeals to the viewers, raises the ratings and brings to future success. But Yixing, is this really worth it? Is it truly worth jeopardising your health?" At this point, tears pool in your eyes as you helplessly stare into his.

"I'm...sorry, dear. Please, don't cry," he consoles you with a hug, patting your head as if you were a child. It wrecks his heart whenever you cry, even more so when he's the reason behind the tears.

"I don't want to nag you. I know both of us hate it, but you can't keep telling me not to worry, then do outrageous stuff like these over and over again. Stop pushing yourself too hard, will you? I'm so afraid every time my phone rings, wondering if you get wounded or hurt again. I get anxious whenever your name pops out in the entertainment news, fearing that some unfortunate events happened to you. I want to trust your words; not having to worry about you. But that's so hard to do when you come home with bruises and wounds. Yixing, I just want to you to be selfish sometimes, for my sake at least."

Some of your heartfelt words are unclear as your sobs interrupt, but Yixing hears it all nonetheless. He feels guilty, he always has. You have never been this vocal about your deep concerns, but as blunt as he may be, Yixing knows it all along. He thinks he could please everyone, when in reality, his loved ones are frequently struck with unease because of his tenacity.

Yixing holds you tight in his arms, remembering his now-broken promise to you, that he'll only make you cry happy tears.

"Dear, I want to and should say 'sorry', but you must be tired of hearing the same thing again, so I won't do that. Through my actions, I'll convey my apology." He releases the hug to look at your face that he has always kept in his mind. Wiping away the tears, he says, "so, my dearest, please don't cry anymore, alright?"

You muster a small smile. "Well, I should apologise. You must be stressed to come home to an emotionally-unstable wife after your long, exhausting work. I'm so sorry, Yixing, I didn't mean to be so emotional. It's just...because I love you so much."

At your sheepish declaration of love despite it being years into the relationship, your sweet husband draws you into his heartwarming embrace again and you bury your face in the crook of his neck.

"How can you not be upset at me when I'm being so difficult?" You ask him, in gratitude and curiosity.

"It's because I love you too."

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