Author's Note (Request Open)

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Annyeonghasaeyo, fellow Kpop fangirls. So, you wish to have your fantasy out in words. And I can (hopefully) do that to my best extent. As I said in the introduction, I only accept requests for EXO and GOT7 for now. And feel free to ask for the inactive EXO members too because I'm all about OT12. That said, my EXO imagines might also feature them, so if you're an anti-OT12, I'm not your best one-shot writer. Sorry...

OK, that aside, I am currently having a public exam on my hands, so the actual writing won't start until it ends, which is on 30 November. So for now, you can send in your request(s) because your wish is my command. Tell me with whom you want your story to be and what it is about. It can be brief or detailed, it doesn't matter. I'll try my best to make you satisfied. :)

Aaaaand finally, strictly no smut. Go all angsty or fluffy or mystery or fantasy, but I just can't write smut stuff. I am sorry for so much guidelines and limitations but since it's my first time writing for other people, I want to make sure it's within my capabilities so I don't disappoint.

OK, so now that I've laid down the terms and conditions (lol), message me away! And I apologise in advance for the delay that you'll have to wait through until I will finally post it. But I promise, I'll do my utmost best to convey your dreams. :)

Your Wish (KPOP ONE SHOT REQUEST)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें