"Yeah I meant to thank you for that-wait last week?!" I raise my voice a little too loud.

"Oh my god, were you in a coma for a week?" Jacob asked.

I eye Cade carefully as he darts his eyes down to his food.

"Apparently." I say ripping my eyes off of Cade.

"Anyways, you're welcome. Sorta. See you around." He says turning and walking away.

Cade's relieved look gives me an idea.

"Wait, Jacob." I call back.

"Yeah?" He asks as I eye Cade.

"Why don't you eat with us?" I offer politely.

"Seriously?" He asks in a surprised tone.

"Yeah, we'd love to have you." Hazel said with a grin that was slightly too wide.

Jacob takes the seat next to me. I couldn't believe Cade wouldn't mention that I was out for a week. That must be why he looked so awful when I woke up.

"So, Jacob." Ash says trying to break the awkward silence his presence brought to the table.

"So, what do you guys normally do?" He asks.

"Eat, sleep, fight, repeat. It's honestly super boring." Cade said blankly.

I liked seeing him like this.

"And Sam, really, don't feel bad about what happened. Everyone freezes, it's a natural instinct. That's okay to have, as long as you have someone there to break you out of it." Jacob said honestly, slightly comforting my feelings.

"Yeah." I murmur.

Suddenly, Jacob's hand is brushing against mine, a gesture that did not go unnoticed to Cade.

"No, I mean it. Everyone here thinks you're super courageous to charge them like that." Jacob says.

"Not really." Cade seconds not breaking the stare on his plate.

"What?" Jacob asks.

"Well she was willing to turn herself over just because she couldn't come up with a plan. It was stupid." He says fiddling with his fork.

"And where were you?" I demand angrily.

"Doing research on a possible threat. I'm sorry I can't be there to save you every time." Cade snaps in a low growl.

That comment snapped me. I broke the plastic fork I was holding into two pieces.

"You save me?!" I demand, and then repeat to make sure I heard it right, "you..save me? Who do you think you are?" I ask angrily.

"Sam, I-" but I cut him off.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I snap at him getting up and storming away.

"You might wanna add yelling into the list of Top Class activities." Jacob shrugs as I walk away.

I get to about halfway between me and the dorms before Cade's hands grab my shoulders and he pulls me backwards.

Teen AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now