Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking

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"Fine, but only because I love you so much." I said. Liz laughed and jumped up, grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I entwined our fingers and we started towards the back door. Toby asked where we were off to, while he had an arm around Kim. After telling him we were taking a walk we were off outside.

                Liz's house and property was so nice. It was gorgeous, especially with the ocean in her back yard. She must have had a great childhood here. This is probably where she wants to raise a family. I've known Liz long enough to know that she wants a family. She'll probably want a big house, with a lot of room for the kids to run around. A guest house most likely, probably for the girls. Knowing that I could provide her with that gives me butterflies.

                Well she could provide herself with that, I've seen how much money she gets from being in Jay Cee El. But I can provide her with those things, with a house and family that is. Obviously not right now with the family, especially because of how great our careers are going right now. But we live together already and if we wanted to, we can get a bigger place. I don't know really, I just want to take care of my girl.

"What are you thinking about?" Liz asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were now on the beach, and Liz had her flip flops in here hand. Her feet were in the water and I was really glad I left without shoes.

"Just thinking I guess. So why are we taking a walk anyway? It's hot out here." I said, squinting down at her. The sun was a killer.

"Because I used to do this every day. Well in the summer. But I miss it. I miss it here." Liz said, tearing away from my gaze and looking out at the ocean.

                I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my arms. I know how hard being homesick is and I don't want to make it any worse for her. I hate being homesick and at times it gets hard for me. Liz likes to believe she's strong, and believe me she is. But she also lets every little thing affect her. Which is something I love so much about her. But if getting homesick gets too much for me at times, it affects her a lot more than it does for me.

"I'm sorry Niall, honey. I don't want to complain to you." Liz said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I shushed her and rubbed her back.

"It's fine, that's what I'm here for." I said, kissing her neck.

                She pulled away and cupped my cheeks, standing on her tippy toes until her lips touched mine. I pulled her closer, the water moving against our legs as the next wave came in. Liz pulled away first, which was a surprise because normally she can go the longest. She was about to say something but I kissed her again.

"Niall." She laughed, pulling away and kissing my lips once more. I smiled and opened my eyes, kissing her just one more time.

"C'mon, let's keep walking. You've got to see this rock that I spent half my teenage years reading books on." Liz said, biting her lip to hold back a smile.

                I nodded and took her hand again. She's really happy here, and it's going to be hard seeing the tears on her face that I know are coming. Maybe tickets home would be a good idea for her birthday. I'm sure she'd love them. If I did, should I get two? She might not want to have me come along so she could just be with her family. I don't know. I like to think that she'd like for me to come as well, but I don't know. I snapped out of my thoughts when Liz shoved my shoulder, asking me what's wrong.

"Nothing, just thinking." I said, lightly shoving her back.

"Well you keep thinking about stuff that you won't tell me. Should I start to worry?" Liz asked, smiling and shoving me again.

"Oh yeah, you should." I teased, shoving her again.

                I didn't know I shoved her that hard until I heard a splash. I looked down and to the left, seeing Liz sitting the water. I was about to laugh, but hearing her groan in pain stopped me. I immediately got down onto my knees, not caring about if my jean shorts were wet or not.

"Omigod, Liz. Are you alright? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you Princess." I said, grabbing her arm to help her up.

"Gotcha." Liz said, laughing.

                I opened my mouth in shock at her laughing face. I splashed her, covering her in the ocean water. She laughed and splashed back before standing up. I stood up next to her and wrapped my cold wet arms around her.

"Don't do that to me. The thought of myself hurting you... I don't know what I'd do if you left me and it was my fault." I said, kissing her cheek a few times.

"Aw baby, it was a joke. Loosen up or else I'll push you into the ocean. Besides, I wouldn't ever leave you." Liz said, making me smile. She always knows what to say to make feel better.

"But we should probably get back. Screw the rock, we need to pack."


"Hey Liz, I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?" I asked, watching as she rechecked a suitcase. 

                She nodded but didn't say anything else. I laughed and asked the preoccupied girl what type of drink. She mumbled something, and then said she'd like some water. I laughed again and walked over to her, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Calm down, yeah? It's just a little packing." I said.

                She flipped me off, which made me laugh again. I left her room, with one last glance at Liz. She had her lip pulled between her teeth and was looking over the luggage. I smiled to myself before making my way down the hallway.

                Okay, I may have lied. I wasn't exactly going to go get something to drink. Well I am going to, but I want to do something first. When I got to the door I checked down the hallway, making sure Liz hasn't come out of her room yet. I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' from inside. I pushed the door open, feeling the breeze from outside and the smell of the ocean already.

"Oh hi Niall, what's up?" Liz's father asked from behind his desk.

                I was in his office and I guess he was working on work or something. I'm not too sure what he does exactly. I asked, being the polite boyfriend that should ask that, but honestly didn't get much of it. All I know is that he is like an accountant type thing.

"Mr. Johnston, I'd like to talk to you for a minute."


There's the chapter!! I hope you all liked it! It would have been up earlier, but I had to go to Church so yeah... one of the women at the Church asked me to be a helper. I had to walk up to the alter and stuff. Haha, aca-awkward. LOL, jk.

Anyway, Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms!


--The picture on the side is a gif of Niall. He's so cute..

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