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"Yes? What is it, Italy?" He stopped, facing me.

My lips parted but the words fell short as I hesitantly looked at (Name). Japan seemed to read the atmosphere so he turned to the girl.

"(Name) you can go on ahead. Check Germany and Prussia for me." He said calmly and she nodded.

"Alright, no problem." She passed by me and walked down the hallway.

I waited until after she turned a corner before I spoke. "Um, Japan...Do you...D-Do you trust her?"

His eyebrows shot up a bit, seemingly surprised by the question. "Yes. Yes I do, actually. She's saved me once, and helped me during battle to take down the Oni several times. She's really a kind, amazing girl...but I see you don't exactly trust her."

'Fanculo..I guess I'm really too obvious...'

"May I ask why that is?"

"...I can't tell you. I-I'm sorry, Japan, I really am."

His expression flashed with hurt, making me immediately feel guilty. Japan nodded grimly and turned so his back faced me, replying in a distant voice, "I see. Alright...I understand, Italy."


"Let's just go back to Germany and Prussia." Japan cut me off, his soft words blunt. He began walking forward without another word, head slightly bowed.

"Ja..." I reached out, but he refused to answer, sharply turning the corner. "Pan..." My hand turned into a fist, my arm dropping defeatedly to my side. I lowered my head in silence.

'I'm sorry...'



Or was that a battle cry?

Whatever it was, my head whipped forward and I ran down the hallway.

Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

|Reader's POV|

I sluggishly headed down the hallway towards the room Prussia and Germany were in. Feeling defeated, I trudged through the door.

"Hey, Germany, Pru-




Are you kidding? I can't be mopey and depressed for even a single moment without the flipping thing popping up out of nowhere?!

Its head turned to me and I sucked in a sharp breath. Angry, but my thoughts still foggy and unfocused, I blindly charged towards the monster, hand held out.


I was angry at Italy for not trusting me. I was angry at the thought of being stuck in here forever. I was angry at that voice in my head that almost taunted with me, not giving a single hint about its identity.

I was at the perfect striking point...the only problem was I had no sword in my hand.


"Frau, look out!"

I yelped, trying to tuck and roll to dodge the Oni's attacks, but I ended up getting struck at the last second, skidding across the ground. Pain ripped along my knees and elbows, which were my only tactic to keep me from flying any further. I remained sprawled on the floor, woodchips digging into my skin and giving me splinters.

The only thing I was angry at now was myself. How could I be so stupid?

I heard the slashing of a sword and I weakly lifted my head off the ground. Prussia swung his heavy black sword, experienced and bold as ever. Once Germany and Japan began to work together to distract it, Prussia turned around to look at me, a smirk on his lips.

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now