Chapter 14

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I watch as Geo grabs a small shot cup and hands it to me.

Taking it hesitantly, I notice that's it's not beer or vodka or Hennessy or anything thing like that, but jello.

"Um?" I ask.

"It's a Jell-O shot. This flavored drink is for your newbie ass." He chuckles.

I look at it again, "What's in it?"

"'s jello mixed with alcohol.."

"No shit." I glare, "I mean like what type of alcohol.

"I don't know."

Oh great! He doesn't know what's in the drink, "How are you giving me this to drink/ eat when you don't even know what's in it?!"

"Chill out. It's usually mixed with tequila,vodka  or rum. It's sweet enough for you to feel like your throat's on fire but at the same'll knock you on your ass after a few shots."

He lightly bangs his hand on the counter top then points at me with a cheesy ass smile, "Try it babe."

Leaning on the counter, I tip the cup to my mouth. Letting the jello slip on my tongue. Surprisingly, it tastes really good. Just like jello.  I expected at least a hint of alcohol.

"Good girl."

"It's actually really good." I smile, taking another one and downing it.

"Alright. Slow down..remember what I said."

I nod before taking another one, "Just one more"

It's been like twenty minutes since we arrived and I had like six of those things.

Geo had told me to stay where I am, so I plopped myself on the counter where I'm still waiting.

He went outside..I think to talk to Loren or some shit.

Stupid boy

I kick my legs back and forth like a child. I'm bored out of my mind and I'm pretty sure he's not coming back anytime soon.

Scanning the room, I see people playing the PS4 on the couch with a few girls on their laps trying to act cute. I also see people  dancing in the same room.

Some are bringing out things and filling water guns with paint. I think it's going to turn into a glow in the dark theme as it gets darker.

Sounds fun as shit but I kinda feel sorry for whoever has to clean that up.

I let out a big hysterical laugh.

Damn I'm bored..I wanna dance.

After hopping off the counter, I make my way to the living room.

My eyes fall shut and my hips sway to the music. My head automatically does the same.

I run my hand through my long black hair as someone approaches me.

"I like your outfit." She complements in her strong Hispanic accent. It's the girl that announced that Geo was here when we had first arrived.

I look at her confusingly. Not that I didn't understand but..her hair.

It's so black and it kind of looks like a wig. I's darker than my hair and my hair is black.

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