Chapter 12

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He pulls out a gold iPhone 5s as we arrive to my class, "I have this for you to's not the six but it still has the Id touch button."

I take it in my hand and touch the home button. The screen lights up, exposing a picture of a beautiful sunset.

"It's in good condition. I activated it yesterday the minute I got home."

I shake my head, "This is sweet, but, I can't have you pay for-"

"Only until we find out who took your phone and get it back."

You mean Juwany


The Bell rings and Noah gives me a quick kiss before heading off to class.

I didn't know that the last kiss wasn' know..our last.

Slipping the phone in my back pocket, I walk into class and sit down in my seat next to Juwany.

"That was a nice act you guys played out there." He smirks.

I ignore him and get my things needed for this class. Buy the looks of it, he's explaining a project and there's rules on the board. I take a my notebook and pen, then, start to jot down stuff.

"I will be picking the groups Monday. This is just if you want to get a head start. I recommend it. If you want to get stuff done early, you would get a head start." The teacher says clicking onto the next slide.

"Seriously, you deserve a Grammy."

"It wasn't an act. I told you this morning, whatever you're doing isn't going to work. I'm with Noah. I just wanted to make that clear."

Even though I'm technically not with Naoh.

"And I told you this morning, you don't really have a say in this"

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out my phone.

I glare at him,"You also told me you were mad at your girlfriend. Just like you, that lie was full of shit."

"First of all, I didn't say I was mad. I said that she was going with another guy and didn't tell me. Then I said I just want to know if she was wasting my time so I can drop her. Second of al-"

Juwany stop in the middle of his sentence when we heard the teacher clear his throat. Our  attention goes to him.

"Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class Ms. Hunter and Mr. Roman?"

"No." I answer.

"Then I suggest you stop talking before I fail you for the year and have you retake my class. Maybe then you'll learn not to talk and be disruptive."

Well...damn. I don't think it was that serious. I don't dare to talk back though. I put my head down slightly, trying my best to duck past the rude glares and the nosey stares.

"Oh, shut up and teach." Juwany says.

"Excuse me?"

"We all know you're not going to actually fail her. You're bluffing. So stop wasting everyone's time and teach."

Everyone in the class "oooos" and the teacher shifts his weight from one leg to another, "Is that so?"

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