Chapter 2

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"So he just..knocked right into you and expected you to say sorry?"

I nod, my eyes nearly rolling to the back of my head.

"What an asshole." My closest friend, Lizette, says. By closest I mean only.

She's the only person who stuck by me when everyone else turn their backs on me. I love her for that.

"I know but, I didn't want any drama so I just apologized." I shrug.

Lizette pulls her long curly hair into a high bun, " I wouldn't of."

I admire her beautiful brunette hair. I wish my hair looks so beautiful in a bun. I have plain, naturally straight, licorice black hair.

She has the good hair, I have the pretty green eyes. Well. That's what she says.

She also has a perfect body shape. She's thick. Like I heard guys in my old school say, "Shes thick in all the right places."

Me? I'm not too sure. I'm like..skinny. My image of a perfect body is exactly like Liz's.

"Well, how's school over there?" I ask, snapping myself out of my own trance.

"It's good I guess. The whole thing is starting to die down a little. The teachers stopped asking about it. Nosey bitches"

"Thank god." I smile.

"But, back to that he cute?"

I look at her as if she's crazy. The guy totally disrespects me and she wants to know how he looks?! that I think about it.."Actually. He is."

"Ooo. Deatails, deatails."

"He's tall. His hair is long. Not too long but, long. He has brown eyes. And umm..he has an accent."

"Like. A British accent?" Liz asks, her eyes automatically lighting up.

" like a Puerto Rican accent"

"Bea. This is your chance."

I laugh," You're too much."

"No no. Listen. What if this is like..some sign from god."

"I think I'm going to distance myself from guys from now on."

"On that note try to sneak a pic of him for me."

I shake my head, "You're ridiculous."

Carrying my MacBook in my hand, I make my way into the kitchen for some snacks.

"I don't think I would even be secretive about it." I state, putting it on the counter.

In the mist of turning around I notice a hand on the knob. Except the hand was coming through the door window.

I would've flipped if I didn't spot the wedding ring and notice it was my mom.

Why is my mom's hand coming through a window? Your guess is as good as mine.

"Hi Mrs. Hunter."

"Mom? What are you doing?"

"Oh. Beatrice Isabel Hunter where have you been?" She scolds.

I look at the mac then back at my pissed mother, "I've been here the whole time. Why?"

"I called and texted you three times! I forgot my house keys here and we don't have a spare one yet. Where's your phone?"

"Should be in my pocket to my hoodie" I answer while rushing to the hall where our jackets are perfectly hung.

I go through my pocket to notice it's empty. Then I check the other pocket which is also empty.

That's odd. I usually put my phone in my pocket and take it out later on when I'm home.

"Well?" My mom questions impatiently.

"Check my bag."

I pray as she grabs the bag and goes through it. Please find it. Please find it. Pleaseee fi-

"It's not in here sweetheart."

Fuck my life.

I go upstairs and look everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

On my bed, under my bed, the closet, all my drawers. I checked my moms room, the bathroom...the case I dropped it in there.

This is bad. Really bad.

"Please tell me you found it?" I ask running down the stairs.

My mom shakes her head.

I can't lose my phone. There's so much stuff that can't be seen on it. Why didn't I just delete it like a normal person?!

"Where did you last have it."

"Last time I had it was in school. I put it in my pocket and now it's not there."

"Crap! We put you in a school with a thief!"

My mom gets up and grabs her keys from the counter, "come on, we're marching right up to that school and getting your phone back."


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