Hermione snickered, "Muggle knowledge is wasted on wizards. Anyway I don't want to talk about it because I'm in denial, I'm just not in the mood to have a debate right now, about Ron of all people,"

She put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a supportive smile, "But, honestly Harry, I'm here to talk to if you need to,"

He nodded but averted his eyes.

Just as Hermione was about to say something a loud crack made her squeak in surprise.

Okay, maybe Hermione wasn't the one that squeaked, but was that really important?

Harry and Hermione got up to meet the new arrivals. The rest of the order that was here, Ron, Mundungus, Mrs Weasley and Lupin, were quick to enter the room.

Instead of greeting them, however, the Americans barged out of the room slamming it shut and leaving the room full of wizards in silence.

Harry noticed that Mr Weasley's cheeks were flushed, as he'd just been in an argument.

"What happened?"

"Well," Mr Weasley coughed uncomfortably, "Apparently, uh, a few owls Dumbledore sent weren't... well, you see... they attacked Percy," he finished lamely. "Neither of them were very happy about that either,"

"Understandably of course!" He rushed to add, upon seeing Harry's face. "But they're both fine now, and we fixed up their apartment easily. Which," he leant forward, "Was full of some of the most fascinating muggle stuff. I wish I could have had a better look."

Harry politely ignored that last statement and focused on the door in which the Americans had just left.

"Where are they going?"

Mr Weasley waved his hand dismissively, "Probably to wait for us in the hall. They seemed terribly keen to get going. We already transported their luggage there, courtesy of Dumbledore. You know Harry," he added as almost an afterthought. "Percy didn't seem that angry, well at least in comparison to Nico. I mean he was mad, but he at least didn't yell or anything."

Harry rolled his eyes, "No disrespect meant Mr Weasley, but he doesn't really strike me as evil type. I mean considering everything that's happened."

Mr Weasley chewed the inside of his mouth, "We shouldn't keep them waiting, let's get going then!" The last point he addressed to everyone else in the room, who had also broken off into small groups and were discussing topics in low voices.

Harry noticed Hermione and Ron who had apparently been listening to his conversation with Mr Weasley. Hermione raised an eyebrow, and Harry smirked sheepishly.

The congregation flowed out of the dining room into the hall where, surely enough, the Americans were waiting.

Nico was leaning up against the wall where the house elf heads used to hang, he was snickering at something Percy had just said. Bennja- Benny was holding Percy's hand and basically staring off into space.

Harry was one of the first people to enter the hallway and Percy flashed him a small tired smile, which Harry returned. Percy's eyes flickered up to Mr Weasley who was at Harry's shoulder.

"We ready to go?"

Mr Weasley gave a curt nod.

"Obviously, Harry, Ron and Hermione will be travelling with you. Severus, Rubeus and Minerva are already at the school. Molly and I will come with you in a ministry car, everyone else will stay here."

Percy nodded slightly, "Right, okay, but why are they here then?"

Harry turned to stare at the people who were squished up inside the now crowded hallway. A second of silence passed before they all detached themselves and drifted off.

Harry turned back to the Americans just in time to see a synchronised eye roll between Nico and Percy, which made him grin.

Percy pushed open the door with his left hand, "Shall we?"

Everyone moved forward, the Americans slipping smoothly out of the house while Ron, Hermione and Harry grabbed their trunks, that were stacked together by the door, and stumbled out the doorway, Hedwig squawking indignantly from her cage.

They made their way down the steps towards two familiar looking ministry cars. Just before Harry could dump his trunk into the boot, Mr Weasley tapped him on the shoulder. He dropped his trunk in surprise but luckily managed to catch Hedwig. He turned to Mr Weasley whose forehead was creased with worry.

"Harry, I do agree with you. They do seem nicer than we would expect, but..." he sucked in a quick breath. "We can't trust... just be careful okay?"

Before Harry could stop himself he blurted out, "That's what you said about Sirius."

Mr Weasley's eyes widened in shock.

Harry bit his lip in guilt, but turned around and closed the boot of the car.

The car ride was in silence, the others picked up on the tension between Harry and Mr Weasley but didn't comment on it. Once Harry looked up to the mirror at the front of the car and caught the gaze of Mr Weasley whose eyes were filled with intense worry.

HarryPotter and the Grandson of Voldemort PercyJackson and the Annoying Mini-meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt