Chapter 14

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"Ugh, we're late just great." I groaned getting out of the car as Cody kept a firm grip on my waist. "It's called a fashionably late entrance stupid," Kathy said while she had quickly got in front of us. We all slowly walked inside the ballroom as all the music had stopped and the talking was reduced a lot. It was dead silent in here. Dammit. Jamie and Drake had done honer's taking the lead while I looked around at the glorious lights and chandeliers.

"Can you guys please stop looking at us." I roared while they had all jumped going back to their simplifying gossiping. You do not look at a pregnant teenager who did not feel too good in a mood. I looked at the many people as I could not find the twins or Amanda anywhere. As then the lights had dimmed down and there was a big light focusing on the middle entrance stairs. I rolled my eyes losing Cody's grip as the song 'Dark Horse' had come on. I saw Amanda first walk down the stairs as then Tyler and James.

After them two I saw them. The beasts called twins. They slowly took powerful strides down the stairs as their eyes scanned around the ballroom. I prayed that they hadn't locked eyes with me but boy did I jinx that. Their brown eyes looked in with mine as I could feel tense and my body heat had got a bit hotter. I took a deep breath as I could feel my baby start kicking making me groan as I looked at the floor to see my eyes were bright red. But it couldn't be. We did not do the mating ceremony yet which mean this was completely impossible. Then all a sudden the heat and kicking had slowed down. I think my unborn child had warned me about something.

"Finally I found you are you okay?" Cody asked as he looked at me with worry in his eyes making me chuckle a bit. "I'm fine. Let's just dance." I whispered as he growled nodding bring me to the dance floor. His hands went to my hips as my arms went around his neck. He twirled me around as I was met with one of the beast twins. My heart had raised while I could feel my baby start to kick and my body temperature gets hotter. I looked up at her as I could see a sickening smirk on his face. "I'm Jack. Over there is Jason. You must be the famous Kiara King." Jack had said as we had circled around each other.

"Should I care?" I said while I tried to contain the pain the baby was giving me. He smiled twirling me around while I could feel the baby cool down and my heat decrease. Thank goodness. 'Those guys are affecting the baby. Christopher is trying to send you a message to stay away from them Kiara." My hellhound warned while I nodded and was so in a trance I didn't notice I was dancing with Tyler. I tensed looking around trying to avoid any eye contact with him when I had saw a girl with a Blue lacy valve on that had covered her face and the same colored mermaid dress.

My eyes widened as I now realized C was a girl. Shoot. I slowly turned my gaze toward Tyler while I could tell he was enjoying my company. A bit too much. I rolled my eyes switching partners as I was now with Cody making me huff as I could feel myself get lost in the music. I ran my hand over his chest as I whispered into his ear, "Did I make you Jealous?"

I could feel him smirked while he had twirled me around bringing my body back into his chest. "I wanted to rip their heads off and feed it to my rouge's," Cody growled gripping my butt making me jump a bit. While I smirked. "I just wanted to look good for you." I sang rubbing my hands on his hair as I could hear him let out a throaty purr. His wolf was enjoying this. Geez. The music had turned to into hip-hop making me and Cody head to the bar. "Can I have a Corona and this pregnant lady will have some sparkling water," Cody said giving the skimpy bartender 50 dollars as she smirked nodding I gave him a death glare as he shrugged. "At least it is sparkling water." He winked as the bartender handed us our drinks giving Cody a wink making me chew on the straw of my 'Sparkling water.'

That's when I could feel the burning happen again. The baby was kicking more furiously and I could feel my body heat up. I put my drink down as Cody looked at me with worry in his eyes. I could feel my knees buckle as I was about to fall down when Cody had caught me picking me bridal style while people started to stare. Amanda gave me a worrying look walking towards us while I could feel myself burn up even more. My eyes turned bright red while Amanda had put her hand on my head.

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