New Book

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"No No No

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"No No No. I can't be the virgin sacrifice. I'm only 16 and I have a life to live can't you see that you sadistic blood sucking beast?" The angered Teen shouted at the king who was so close to snapping his mate's neck but he needed her alive since she was his kitten after all.

"Look here dear Diana. Your mine love." He snarled at her baring his large shark-toothed fangs. Diana stood stunned seeing as she was no match. She was born in the lowest region. Region eleven.

"Make my words pathetic King. I will never be your's." She said letting out an animalistic growl. King Aaron looked at her as if she just took his heart out with her bare hands. As then her hands were pinned on top of her head making it impossible to leave.

"You. Are. Mine

Check it out first chapter is up!

Your Not Leaving ✔️ [ Sequel ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora