Chapter 3

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"Do you know any of the songs?" Cody sighed running a hand through my hair while we laid on the couch by a nearby window. "No. Look I'm sorry I didn't mean for all of this to happen." I rushed out wanting to tell him how sorry I was but he kissed me silencing the unnecessary babbling that I had done. "Shh Don't talk." He growled making me give him full dominance. That's when I had known he was going to claim and mark me. We already had done the deed but he had yet to sink his teeth into my neck. I wouldn't admit that I was nervous but I can't help but get a bit excited. My heartbeat raced as he slowly leaned onto my neck leaving small butterfly kisses which had left goosebumps on my pale arms. But I had to admit I now have a 'Burning Desire' for him.

"Once I have marked you. You will be completely mine." Cody slowly whispered as if he was telling a toddler to not run around the store. I nodded looking into his eyes as they were now bright red. That's when I had felt his werewolf fangs bite into my neck making me whimper a bit when it had to turn into pleasure. All I wanted was him and I needed him. His teeth slowly unlatched from neck slowly sinking me into the couch smashing his lips into mine. My Hellhound slowly extended her teeth wanting to mark him for he could be ours and ours only. I quickly took control by switching turns launching my sharp teeth onto his neck. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth while he could hear him groan in pain.

"I'm super tired," I said as Cody pulled the covers over us. "Just shut up and go to sleep." Cody laughed as I could see him slowly fall asleep I could hear his heartbeat slow down to its normal race meaning he was sound asleep. I tried to fall asleep when I heard the door open making me tense while I slowly looked to see Jamie and Kathy making me jump. "What the hell are you guys doing here," I whispered while they both put a finger over her lips silencing giving me the signal to follow them but be very quiet. The thing is when we had gone inside I noticed how their faces were very shiny and plastic and that they had black hoodies on. "Oh my god you're not them." I stammered as the so-called 'Kathy' pulled out a shiny metal knife.

"Nope, not today." I yelled running down to Jamie's room who I hope was still awake and not doing 'something' with Drake. I could hear their heels tapping against the rug making me use my werewolf speed to run faster. Their footsteps were getting softer making me know that I was ahead. Till I heard a gunshot. My heart pounded against my chest when I knew I was getting closer. 'Don't doubt it, Victory is in our veins' My hellhound barked at me. 'I will transform.' I retaliated back to her but it was too late. I could feel the bullet pierced my right hip making me fall to my knees. 'GET UP!' She yelled at me making me quickly take the bullet out since wolfsbane or silver didn't hurt me.

I quickly knocked on Jamie's door as she quickly opened it up looking at me with worry in her eyes that's when she looked at my now healing wound. She quickly grabbed my wrist bringing me into the room as I saw Kathy meaning Cameron and Drake were out. "What happened?" Kathy asked when I heard all are phones had beeped. I quickly opened my phone up looking at the message which had made my heart drop.

Only one color, but not one size. Stuck at the bottom, yet I easily fly. Present in sun, but not in rain. Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What Am I? Games are fun sweetheart can you find this little riddle, Kiara?

"I'm no good at riddles!" I exclaimed wanting to throw my phone against the glass window. "But don't you get it? This was only assigned to Kiara but not us." Kathy pointed making Kiara tense knowing it was now her turn to get messed with. But who would do such horrid thing? It could be Amanda but she was no good at riddles hell she couldn't even answer her own middle name without being told. "But why only her?" Jamie questioned while I felt my heart break slowly as I read over the message when it got me. The only people that had ever called me sweetheart was James and Tyler. There a part of the new C-team. Great.

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