Chapter 38 They Returned to Ravenwood

Start from the beginning

“Yes, My Goddess, it very well may have been. But orders came down from the Queen to do all of this, and to have it done before you moved back here. She said you would refuse to stay at the castle in Germany with them so this is the next best thing for you both. It was the Queens orders that it was all done” 'Your Queen is a pain in my back side I hope you know?' “Giggle, I understand. I guess that means no more helping out around the manor for you two, either. Another order. Sorry My Goddess.” 'Stop right there, Wilda. What I do in my own home is none of her business, that, I set my foot down on, and you will not tell her. Do I make myself clear?' “Yes, My Goddess, as you wish.” 'Good. Now that we see eye to eye. I think we will change, and meet up with everyone in the dining room for dinner conversations,' “Very good. I will see you both there.” She left us alone to check out our new room in peace. It took us a few minutes to freshen up, and change then we headed on out to meet up with everyone else.

Walking into the dining room they all went to jump out of their seats, but a simple wave of my hand, and they all froze stock still; we walked in and took our seats. 'Now. Hear me now, and hear me good. I will say this only one time, and one time only, do I make myself perfectly clear on this? I will have none of this jumping to your feet, and kneeling in our presence every time either one of us enters a room from this moment forward. Do I make myself clear? This is my house just as much as it is yours, a place I come to relax with my daughter, Diana. Not to be treated like a Queen! I forbid that, do you hear me! Forbid It. Now if you can act like my family I will unfreeze you all and we can go about having a normal dinner like we always have in the past. If not I can make these meals an awful painful ventures. Whats it going to be?' I unfroze them all, and watched them one by one fall back to their seats.

“You made your point, My Goddess, for now, but we have no choice in front of any visitors.” Wilda said. 'That is perfectly fine with me.' I settled back having won round one. Goddess one, Queen zero. It felt good. I can live with everyone calling me Goddess, it is what I have become, and I am quite proud of it and my daughter Diana. Once Maria was finished setting the serving table Bavo started the rounds after a minor fuss over who would go first—after another quick freeze and talking to—he gave in right quick. I won another round. Goddess two, Family zero. I like this way of battling my battles. When it was Diana's and my turn we stepped up to the drink fountain, and pored a small glass of blood each and returned to the table to sit.

“Is that all you are having, My Goddess? I made all your favorites to eat.” Maria asked. 'Oh, I am so sorry, Maria, has no one told you before we came back that, Diana and I no longer eat? I am so sorry you went through all this trouble for us; it was so kind of you to do that for us.' I mind sent to her alone. “No. They didn't. It is okay. It won't go to waste around here with Bavo around.”


'That's true, Maria,' I sent so everyone could hear my reply. Everyone giggled, well all but Bavo.

“So not funny,” Bavo spit out.

“Will you be staying here now for good, or are there plans for the two of you else where in the world?” Wilda asked. 'We will most likely stay here for a few days till we get restless then ghost around the world in search of the demon hideout. If we can find it we will either destroy it and them, or call all of you out to help. It depends how big it is. That is my thinking,' “That is a very ambitious plan you have there. I hope you find them it would make the world a much safer place for everyone, humans alike.” Wilda said. 'Oh, I agree with you there.'

They all dug into their meals while Diana and I took little sips of our blood which I find I lack the need for these days. It just gives me something to do with my hands while others eat before me. My daughter, Diana is the same I noticed—I guess it is the full Goddess taking over our bodies, finally—I smile tightly watching them all eat, the smell is wonderful that is the only hard part of sitting here while they all eat.

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