最終的な歌 (The Final Song)

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Miku and I went out to find Luka. Gakupo was right. She was still at her old hideout. I took his sword and Miku had one that her father gave her. "Miku...before we walk in here. I just wanna say.."

"I love you too Kaito." Miku said. She kissed me. It was a long one. Like she thought that we might not make it out of here alive. I broke off the kiss and stared into her perfect blue eyes. "I'll get us out of here. I swear." I said. Miku nodded. We went through the same way I did the first time I came in here. Through the air vents. We fell in the hallway and a few guards spotted us. "Looks like our fight starts early." I said. Me and Miku pulled out our swords and we charged at the men. We took then down with ease.

We went for the main lab and we opened the door. We saw Kazu standing there in the middle of the room. "Hello Miku. Have you come to die so early?" Kazu said. "I don't plan on dying today you fake. I'm taking you down." Miku said. "Good luck doing that. Kazu is flawless. Invincible for that matter." Luka said as she walked from around the corner. "We'll just see how flawless Kazu is in a second. I want you to myself Luka." I said. I pointed my blade at her. "Well then. If it's me you want then it's me you'll get. Kazu, take care of Miku. I want V3 to myself." Luka said. "Miku. Don't hold back no matter what." I said. "You got it. Good luck." Miku said. I nodded. Kazu charged at Miku with lightning speed. Miku took a hard hit and flew against the wall.

"Miku!!" I shouted. At that moment Luka came after me. I blocked her blade. "Why are you doing this? You could have been like us!" I said. "Why would I want to be second best? I want to be on top!" Luka said. She pushed me back and charged at me. I leaped over her and tried to swing at her but she blocked it again. "Luka please. I don't wanna hurt you." I said trying to negotiate. "No, but I wanna kill you." Luka said. She swung and hit my shoulder. It was a small cut. I looked to my left and saw Miku and Kazu fighting with everything they have.

"I'll have her blood." Luka said. She charged at me again and kicked me to a wall. She swung at me and I blocked her blade. "If you want Miku. Then you'll have to go through me!" I said. I looked over Lukas shoulder and saw Kazu knock Miku's blade out of her hand and slash her across the chest. Time began to slow down. I watched as Miku fell to the ground. I saw her cry a few tears and I could hear her say, "I'm sorry....Kaito...."

My rage hit. I tightened my grip on my blade and pushed Luka away and ran for Kazu. Once I it towards her I leaped. "Don't you touch MIKU!!!!" I shouted. She turned around only to have her head sliced off. I landed on both feet and her robotic head fell behind me. "No....this is impossible." Luka said. I walked up to her. She fell on her knees in disbelief. "Believe it Luka. All this for what. Something that you'll never recive. You and I both know that I can't let you go....nor can I let you live." I said.

"So this is what my father ment. Taking the easy way out isn't always the best way. This was all a waste." Luka said. I took my blade and drove it through her heart. She gasped. "You know Kaito. I had this coming from the first time I created her. Hatzune Miku sealed my fate. I just couldn't escape it." Luka said. "You brought this on yourself." I said. "And for that I know my mistake. I'm sorry Kaito. At least I won't harm anyone ever again. You have shown me the light and for that I thank you." Luka said.

She bled from her mouth and closed her eyes. She had died. I took out the blade and dropped it. I ran to Miku who was loosing blood fast. "Hang in there baby. It'll be over soon." I said. I lifted her up and placed her on a table. Rin taught me how to preform stitches and to restore blood to the body. I took off Miku's shirt and t-shirt. It was a deep cut from her left shoulder to her right side. I stitched her up and began the blood transfusion. Thank god Luka had all the materials I needed to help Miku. We stayed there until Miku woke up.

She opened her eyes. They were still blue. "Miku. How do you feel?" I asked. She placed her hand on my face and pulled me in for a kiss. It was the best one we ever had. "I feel great now that I'm with you." Miku said. I smiled. I picked her up and wrapped a blanket around her. "Let's go home." I said. Miku nodded and wrapped her arms around me. I carried her all the way home. When we got there Rin Len and Gumi were waiting for our return. I opened the door and everyone cheered and welcomed us. I stood Miku up and she hugged Rin and Gumi. Len came up to me and high fived me.

Gakupo had a shock look on his face. "But.....how?" He asked. "It's because we are fighting for the right cause. If you want proof then go to Lukas place and look at your blade covered in her blood." I said. Gakupo looked at me in horror. Gakupo was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Miku recovered perfectly and me, her and the rest of the gang had fun in Vocatown. We lived happily with our new lives. A few years past and I decided to make my move. I asked Miku to marry me when I was 23. She said yes and the next month we were married. Miku, Rin, Len, Gumi and I formed the first Vocaloid band. It was amazing. I never thought I would say this but I love being a Vocaloid.

終わり (The End)

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