チャプター8 (Chapter 8. Gakupo's point of view)

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Gumi took me to Luka's hideout. It was really big. "Gumi. Stay here. Let me take care of this myself." I said. Gumi nodded and I walked to the front entrance. Two men were standing at the door. "State your business." One of the men said. "I'm here to see Luka." I said. The man took a good look at me. He opened the door and showed me the way. I walked inside to the main room and saw Luka standing looking out of a window.

"Who dares enter without permission?" Luka said. She looked at me and smiled. "Gakupo!!! You came!!" Luka said with a smile. She came up to me and kissed me. It didn't feel right to me anymore all because....she was trying to hurt my friends. "So...wanna see what I'm working on?" Luka asked. I smiled and nodded. We both began to walk and she kept looking at my hand. "If I'm gonna get any info I need to get her to realize that I'm with her." I thought. I held her hand and she began to blush. We got to a room and I saw....Miku.....but she was different.

"Meet Hatzune Miku. Our Miku copy. She is almost complete. She feels and acts like a human. But something is missing." Luka said. "What's missing?" I said. "Her voice. The 01 Vocaloid has a voice that can't be copied by anyone or anything. I can't even recreate it computer wise. The only way to get her voice is to find her....and kill her." Luka said. "Do you have to kill her?" I asked. "Yes. We can't have two 01 Vocaloids running around causing trouble." Luka said. I looked at the clone. She had Miku's long blue hair but her eyes....were different. She was taller too. "Well I have to go. I gotta get back to the sword shop. I'll see you later ok?" I said. Luka reached and pulled me in for a kiss. "Ok then. See you soon my love." Luka said. I walked out and met up with Gumi.

"Well? What happened?" Gumi asked. "We need to get to Miku and protect her at all cost." I said.

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