第2章 (Chapter 2)

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The next morning came around and the street was still covered in snow. "No school again today. At least I get to hang out with Miku" I said. I got up and got dressed. I set up the music and got my guitar out. A knock came on the door. I ran to answer it. It was Miku with a bright smile. "Hi Kaito. Ready to sing today?" Miku said. "Yes I am. Come right in" I said. We went to my room and she put her things down. She had a grey bag with her too.
"What's in the bag?" I asked. "Spring Onions. My favorite snacks. Want one?" Miku offered. I took one and ate it. "These are good Miku" I said. She smiled. "Help yourself. I have plenty." Miku said. We snacked on a few and we got straight to work. We finished coming up with lyrics for the song and now it was time to sing it. "Hit it Kaito." Miku said. I began to play and we both began to sing. It was amazing. Once the song was finished Miku was smiling. "Now all that's missing is a title"I said. She scratched her head. "How about Missing Love" Miku said. I smiled. "That's a great name!" I said. She smiled and we both laughed. She scooted closer to me.
"You know Kaito....back before...I went into hiding...I was scared." Miku said. "But why? Everyone loves you Miku." I said. "It wasn't because of the fans. It was because I thought I was the only one. I've had this mark on my arm for as long as I could remember. It began to draw attention to myself. When I was little everyone treated me like I was an outcast. Like I didn't belong. The only person that actually cared about me was my friend Gumi. She was really nice. But then she moved away." Miku said.
"Miku...." I started. "It was like everyday someone had something to say to me. Loser...geek...outcast...the list goes on. Everyone hated me all because of this stupid number on my arm. I hated it. I hated all of it. I used to treat myself like trash. But then I began to sing. It was amazing for me. It was my turnaround. But the. It all happened again. The finger pointing, the name calling. I attracted attention.....the wrong type of attention." Miku said. "What do you mean?" I asked. She held her arms. "When I was 14....a few guys came to me after school and tried to....touch me....they didn't but...they just kept grabbing me and feeling on me and I couldn't do anything about it. The ditched me and took my clothes. That was the last straw. I was about to give up on it all.....family...friends...life...but I believe that you....can help me see the light of all of this. I don't want to be treated wrong...like an outcast...I want to be treated....like....a princess." Miku said. She began to cry and without thinking twice I kissed her. She didn't even break it off. She wanted me to. She placed her hand on my cheek and broke off.
"Miku....I promise you that no one will hurt you ever again. I love you...Miku" I said. She smiled. "Kaito....I love you too." Miku said. We kissed again. It felt like 15 seconds but in reality it was an hour. We broke off and she looked over my shoulder out the window.
"Is that a blizzard?" Miku said in shock. I turned around. It was a heavy blizzard. "You're not walking home in that" I said. "Do you have a phone I can use?" Miku asked. I handed her my phone and she called her mom to tell her that she was staying over because of the storm. She hung up and handed me my phone. "Well I guess I'll go change. I'll be back in a minute Kaito." Miku said. "Ok" I replied. I changed into my shorts and put on a t-shirt. She came in my room in a short skirt and a tank top.
"Isn't that the same outfit from Redial?" I said. She smiled. "You actually recognize it. Yes it is." Miku said. I got in my bed and Miku crawled in next to me. "Kaito? Can you cuddle with me?" Miku asked. I nodded as she moved closer to me. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she flinched. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah. It's just...I've never felt a soft touch before." Miku said. I kissed her one last time. "Goodnight Miku, my princess" I said. She smiled. "Goodnight Kaito, my prince" Miku said. She fell asleep in my arms and I kissed her forehead and went to sleep.

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