チャプター10 (Chapter Ten. Miku's point of view.)

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I woke up in the backseat of a car. Luka was next to me. I looked at her and came to my senses. I wanted to move but I was strapped down. I couldn't move. "We meet again 01. How are you feeling?" Luka said. I didn't say a word. I just looked out of the window. "Well you better talk while you can because in a minute you won't be saying anything for the rest of your life." Luka said. I looked at her. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Because your voice is unattainable. It's unique. It's mine now. You are going to experience hell." Luka said. We got to her hideout and she took me to a room.

"Take her clothes off." Luka said. Three men held me down and tore off my clothes. All I had on after that was my bra and panties. "She looks just like my clone. Let's begin shall we?" Luka said. The men strapped me down to a table and locked me in place. I couldn't move. "First I wanna see you suffer." Luka said. She picked up a knife and cut my arm. I tried my hardest not to scream. I couldn't show any form of weakness. "You're tough. Not even your own blood can scare you." Luka said. "What can I say. I'm a tough girl." I said. "We'll see about that." Luka said. She put down the knife and punched me in the stomach. It hurt really bad. I still didn't break. Then she hit me again only harder. Then she kept going until I spat up blood. "Had enough yet?" Luka said. I did the stupid thing and spat blood on her. She didn't look to happy. "You little brat!" Luka said. She took a good slap at me. I spat out blood again. "You will pay!" Luka said. "I already have. I've suffered enough. Being a Vocaloid is horrible." I said. Luka picked up the knife. "Well then let me make it all better." She said with an evil smile. She took the knife and jabbed it into my side. I couldn't move. I was at my limit. Then she twisted it and stuck it deeper into me. I screamed to the top of my lungs.

"Where is your strength now? You have one hour before you bleed to death. Let's see if Kaito can save you in time." Luka said. She stuck the knife in a little deeper and I screamed again. She yanked it out. "Time is ticking. Once your dead I'll take that voice of yours." Luka said as she walked out of the room. The door closed. I cried in pain. "Kaito....please....I don't have much time left.....hurry" I thought to myself.

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