チャプター13 (Chaptet 13. Miku's point of view.)

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"Oh no. Kaito is unconscious. What am I gonna do?" I thought to myself. "Now Hatzune. Kill her!" Luka shouted. I looked at my clone. "Now that V3 is gone....there are no more distractions. Time to die Miku." The clone said. I was terrified. I ran for the exit but the door was locked. "This isn't good." I thought. My clone got closer. She swing at me. Luckly I dodged it but I didn't know how long I could hold out. "Hold still and this will end faster." My clone said. I kept dodging and running. She grabbed my arm and flung me across the room. I hit the wall. "Jesus that hurt." I said. I looked up and saw a crate flying towards me. Kaito was laying behind me. I grabbed him and got out of the way at the last second.

"That was too close for comfort. At least Kaito is ok." I thought to myself. My clone came closer. I grabbed a pipe and ran for her. She swung at me and missed. At that moment I took the pipe and hit her in the face. "Got you!" I said. My clone turned around and her nose was dripping. It looked like....blood. I couldn't move. I actually....hurt someone. My clone pushed me back and threw the pipe away. She grabbed me by my shirt and hit me repeatedly over and over. First my face and then my stomach. I spat out blood. Then she kicked and snapped my left leg. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground.

She kept walking towards me. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My leg was broken. "Looks like it ends here. Goodbye Miku." My clone said. I looked in her left hand and saw a blade. She realed it back and swung at me. I closed my eyes. At the last second Kaito jumped in and took the hit for me. I looked up and saw a blade going through his side. "Kaito....." I said. "I'm not gonna let you die.....you can do this Miku.....I believe in you." Kaito said. My clone took the blade out of him and Kaito fell to the ground. I crawled next to him and began to cry. "Kaito....please.....Kaito...." I said. My clone came closer to me. "Don't worry. You'll join him soon enough. Now I know why Luka hates you Miku. You stupid, worthless Vocaloid." My clone said. That pushed me over the edge.

"Don't you ever disrespect me!!!" I shouted. I swung and hit her in the face. She dropped her sword. I picked it up and swung for her head. "This is for Kaito!!!!" I shouted. I swung and sliced her head off. I saw power cords and wires sprouting out of her neck. She was a robot. The clone fell to the ground and I ran for Kaito. I sat his head on my lap. "Kaito! Hang in there!" I said. The exit door opened and Rin and Len ran to me.

"This is bad. His wound is too great. I have to treat him here. Len look for a first aid!" Rin shouted. Len ran around the room to try to find a first aid kit. "Miku I need you to comfort him for as long as possible. If he keeps bleeding he's not gonna make it." Rin said. I held Kaito's hand and brushed his hair. "It's ok Kaito. I'm here. Don't worry anymore. It's ok." I said over and over. Len came with a red case. "Ok. It has everything I'm gonna need. Miku hold him." Rin said. I saw her prepaid the needle and I held Kaito's hand and kissed him.

She stuck the needle in Kaito's wound and he flinched and squeezed my hand to the going where I couldn't even feel it. He calmed down and passed out. "Ok now to--Miku! What happened to your leg?!" Rin asked. I looked down at it and the pain came back. "That clone broke it. I can't move it." I said. "No kidding. Hang on I'll help you. Let me patch up Kaito first." Rin said. I nodded and brushed his hair. "You're gonna be ok Kaito. I promise." I said. Kaito was patched up and Len picked him up and layed him next to me.

"This looks bad. I don't know...."

"I can help her." Gakupo said. He came in the room with Luka tied up. Gumi came in too. She was covered in blood. "Don't ask." Gumi said. Gakupo came and picked up my leg. "Miku. I have to shift it back into place. This is gonna hurt. Are you ready?" Gakupo asked. I nodded. He took my leg and shifted it back into place. It hurt so bad. I screamed and broke the glass. "That voice..." Luka said. Gumi hit her. "Shut up Luka." She said. I began to cry because of the pain. "C'mon Miku. Me and Len will help you up." Rin said. They both picked me up and Gakupo grabbed Kaito. Gumi dragged Luka outside and got in her car to take her to jail, while me and everyone else went back home. Kaito's head rested on my shoulder.

"Kaito.....thank you."

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