チャプター3 (Chapter 3)

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My alarm went off the next day. The snow and ice on the road had melted so we had school that day. I brushed Miku's hair behind her ear and she opened her blue eyes. "Good morning Miku" I said. She smiled. "Good morning Kaito." Miku said. We both got up and got ready for school. "Are you gonna wear the same thing as yesterday?" I asked. "Not exactly. My clothes can change colors so it's ok." Miku said. She pressed a button and her clothes changed to blue and white. It was really cool.

"Does a bus come through here?" Miku asked. "Yeah. It'll be here in a few minutes. Want a snack before we go?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. We want into the kitchen and I grabbed a rice cake for me and her. We took it outside and got on the bus. "Hey Kaito. Is it ok to be a little nervous?" Miku asked. "Don't worry. I'll be there with you all day." I said. I held her hand and she smiled. We got to school and me and Miku went to our first class.

I saw a few of my friends standing across the room laughing and looking towards me. The walked up to me and Miku. "Hey Kaito. Why are you hanging with that thing?" My friend said. "Hey. That's not nice." Miku said. "Shut up you stupid Vocaloid. No one likes them anyway. Are you just trying to make her feel better Kaito?" My friend said. I looked at Miku as she was about to cry. I stood up. "Hey back off. You have no idea what she's been through. She can teach you a thing or two. She may be a Vocaloif but she is still a human. And to throw this out there....I'm a Vocaloid too! So if you can't be nice to her than you can't be nice to me!" I said. I pulled up my sleeve and revealed my V3 on my arm. "C'mon you guys. Let's go. These Vocaloids don't deserve to hang with us." My friend said. They walked away.

"Thank you...Kaito." Miku said. "Like I said. No one is gonna hurt you while I'm around." I said. We finished class with little trouble and we headed for lunch. We got our food and sat down. The kids that were at the table stood up and moved away. "What's up with them?" Miku asked. "Don't pay any attention to them. They are just messing with you. Ignore them." I said. She nodded and we began to eat. A few minutes later two girls came by us. She had a cup of water in her hand.

"Hey aren't you that Vocaloid?" The girl said. "Yes." Miku said. "Good" the girl said. She took her cup and dumped it in her hair. Miku screamed and took off running. The girl began to laugh. I stood up. "What's your problem?!" I said. "Shut up Vocaloid or you'll get the same thing she got." The girl said. "Why would you treat her like that? She did nothing to you! Why can't you all just be nice for once?! You aren't friends. You all are just jerks." I said. I took off to find Miku.

I shouted her name and I started to hear crying. It was coming from the janitors closet. I opened the door and I saw Miku curled up in the corner. I walked in and closed the door. "Are you ok?" I asked. "What does it look like? Kaito, I'm soaking wet! My hair is messed up....I don't wanna come out of this room. Leave me here." Miku said in tears. "Miku I'm not leaving you. You are my..."

"I'm your what"

"You're my princess Miku. I love you and I will always be there for you no matter what." I said. She looked at me and began to cry a little more. "Kaito....kiss me...please" Miku said. I sat next to her and leaned in for a kiss. We sat there for a few minutes. Her hair dried up and I helped her fix it up and everything. "Wanna go home early?" I said. "Yes...I would like that" Miku said. I helped her up and we left the school to head home.

We decided to go to my house so we could sing together. Miku was a little quiet. "You ok Miku?" I asked. "Yeah...it's just...the way you stood up for me....no one has ever done that for me before. Thank you Kaito. It means a lot to me. But at the same time I'm scared. What will happen next? What will they do to me?" Miku said. I held her hand. "Nothing is gonna happen because I'm gonna protect you. I'll protect my princess no matter what." I said. She smiled and blushed.

"I like it when you call me your princess." Miku said. She brushed up against me. "Isn't that what you wanted? To be treated like a princess?" I said. She smiled. "Yeah. I did say that." Miku said. She kissed me. Her lips were really soft. I couldn't let go. I didn't want to. And neither did Miku. She pushed me down and laied ontop of me. She kept kissing me. "I love you....prince Kaito." Miku said. "And I love you...princess Miku" I said.

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