i. An Honest Mistake

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chapter one
an honest mistake

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London, 2014

          AURORA GRANGER, as graceful as she may be, can be brutal.

          While other people might think of it as something extreme — or even, to a certain extent, hot-headed — to her, it's just a typical Sunday morning. Well, a Tuesday morning to be exact. Though, the thing that makes it particularly interesting (at least, for today) about the entire ordeal of getting arrested is the fact that Rory made a deal.

          She told herself that she wasn't going to get in trouble this month. She could remember the day, the very first day of February, where she had a glass of bourbon in one hand and a bowl of greasy chips sitting by the other. No bullshit, Her voice had echoed. In and out, fists beside you, and no fucking bullshit. It had been a rather clear memory to her at the moment, the vivid sound of Luna chuckling unbelievably, mostly due to the boredom that overcame her as soon as she was forced to sit in the interrogation room for the past few hours.

          (To be honest, she lost count.)

          "You'll last two days at the most." Luna's voice echoed in her head. And Rory, being Rory, was very determined to prove her wrong. She forced herself to do well, despite the look that Luna had sent her every single day after, just waiting for her to finally break out of her shell—and for once, prove herself wrong.

          Unfortunately, today was that day.

          Although, to be fair, Luna Cain was the reason why she decided to wreck the pub using Rottweiler's face. Luna just had to be the topic of his conversation with his dickhead friends, otherwise, Rory would've stayed true to her word, and would not have slammed his head against the counter and risk having a pair of cuffs slung on her pretty little wrists. Everyone was baffled, to say the least. They had underestimated the brunette, especially when they misjudged the extra five inches on her feet as a weakness, rather an advantage. Clearly, that was a mistake.

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