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Min Ah POV


They all stopped.

"Why does my vase look like pizza crumbs?"

I pointed at my shattered vase.

Everybody look at Ryder

Ryder just give a oh-so-innocent smile.

"You guys are totally getting it"

I then tackled them one by one.

Few hours later (spongebob voice)

"AGGH!!" Dash screamed as the scary faced man popping out if no where.

I still don't understand why he is so scared although we had watched it million times.

"Hey, just so you know we are going to the Wingston High School. I don't where the heck is that. Maybe I shouldn't go." He said while making a fake disappointed face.

"We go to the same school. I will help you for the directions." I smirked.

"Ooh same school can't wait to stuff Helly locker with snakes."  Said Hack while making a 'ss' sounds.

They know how I really hate snakes. They are disgusting. The move their body like Nicki Minaj shake her butt.

"Okay guys let's sleep early.  School remember??" Gemini said.

"The mom has arrive"said Blade while lazily went to her room.

Oh yeah they girls sleep at my room while the boys sleep at the guest room.

"Night night"

One question.

Who is your favourite characters including the gang?

Short.I know. But someone had already gave the answer how can I betrayed you guys just like that. And that someone is MXMRKPS. Congrats


Obviously since he or she was the only person answering. I love for you co-operation. Holiday is over and I have to go back to hel- I mean school. Maybe after a month I will update. Maybe. So bye.




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