Chatper 9

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Even though there were lights, it was just so dark. I have to double check everyone's face to make sure they are not people I know. Honestly, out of all places to celebrate a party why the fuck did she have to make it here. Today wasn't even her birthday. She usually celebrated her birthday with her parents and few of her family. The day before birthday is her celebration with her friends, usually involving getting drunk and unnecessary regretting events.

I cursed under my breath when someone stumbled into me drunk making me slip of the floor. My personal bubble has been popped so many times that if anyone comes near me within one foot I will kick their balls. I resisted my urge to slap when a groped me. I just wished I had worn jeans instead of a dress; at least it won't be my skin. Where the fuck is the VIP lounge? I feel like I should kill everyone including myself. No, no death thoughts on Ashley's big day.

I pushed people out of the way and finally emerged from the dance floor gasping for air. Why is this place so packed? I walked up to the bartender.

"Where is the VIP lounge?" I asked as sweetly as I could.

"Upstairs," he said busy serving the drinks and absentmindedly pointed to the left.

I groaned when I saw how far it is and the amount of people near it making out. I think a few of the people there will be able to have acquaintance with my vomit. The place reeked as if a sumo wrestler had fucked a hippo in the middle of boy's locker room. It reeked of smoke, sweat, alcohol, and sex so much that my eyes were watering. I never wanted to die by suffocation, especially being suffocated my sex sting.

I swear to god if I die here I will haunt every single one of the assholes who did this.

I finally made up the stairs gagging and showed the bodyguard my pass. He expressionlessly ushered me in. when the door opened I was hit with the most beautiful sir. I took a deep gulp of pure, pure, sanitized oxygen and sighed in content. I bet this how heaven is.

I looked around to see there were a few people who I have no idea who they are. I scanned around for Ashley and I saw in a green dress lounging on the small bar for VIPs chatting with Alec. When I was within earshot did I realize that she was trying (key word: trying) to talk to Alec. He was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, just like his soul. Sorry I couldn't pass up saying that, I have used it so much on Tiffany I couldn't resist when I found another victim.

"Do you think green makes my eyes look dull?" she asked. In response, he just looked at her and rolled his eyes. Then he turned to much more interesting stuff, his drink.

Ashley nodded as if he gave her his opinion. "I see," she said.

"Ashley, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Giving a strip tease," she said sarcastically, "Anyway, I'm glad that you came, I was going to give another five minutes and barge into your house and have a party there, right Alec?" she asked to which he just ignored her.

She just looked at me as if Alec agreed with her. "Um...sorry, traffic" I mumbled. The truth was I was busy coming up with ideas to leave the party early, so far the best idea is that I got kidnapped and is hold hostage in a circus.

She just rolled her eyes at my lame lie. Just then a black dressed figure leaned into me hiccupping.

"If it isn't my best friend and ugly Ashley chatting" slurred Tiffany with her hand around Nick who was looking at us pleadingly. Nick looked good in his dark blue shirt that made his eyes pop out more.

"Nice to see that you're enjoying," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm having the time- hick- of my life," she said, "I just came to ask the bar- hick- tender I could borrow his- hick- hammer," she said pouting.

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