Chapter 6

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The sea looked beautiful. Harsh and strong, at the same time, calm and serene like how one can use rain to depict two things, either romance or tragedy. The waves crashed onto the rocks. There was a bridge going into the sea, not far from the shore but far enough that if someone jumped into the sea he will become a plaster of blood on the sharp rocks. But towards where I'm standing, the sea looked so calm with light waves crashing over the few people who are having a lovely time. People were having their own sweet time playing football, surfing or making sand castles. Everything looked so sweet and beautiful.

"Why do you want to come here? Trying to think how we were used to?"

"Nah," I said softly so that the sound of the waves can be overheard.

I was sitting on one the benches on the sidewalk where it's not safe for the kids to go down so a railing has been held, the waves weren't powerful here but few on the rocks had sharp edges. All in all, I could still hear the waves beautifully crashing down everything in the distance.

"I wanted to see what I missed"

He rolled his eyes. Peter was never the one to appreciate sentiments. I think my mom is rubbing off on me.

"So, why did you want me here?" he asked.

"To tell me why you are protecting him?" I said.

"I never said it's a 'him'" he said uncomfortably.

"So, you were killed"

"I never said that either"

I raked my hand through my already frizzy hair due to frustration.

"You can't do this to me! You know that! I deserve to know! I'm going through all this because of you!" I said accusing him. If one does not answer when asked politely, accuse them and make them enraged and it will get slipped out easily. It used to work on him before. Like how if you forgot what your brother wanted for Christmas, telling him about how promised me to buy his chocolate for a present which ends up him defended he wanted a basketball.

But he just gave me silence. Didn't even defend himself, didn't even take my bait.

"Really?" I whined. He gave me an amused sideways glance.

"Sometimes, when the people who you considered to be closer to you than anything, does something wrong, you have to forgive them because you love them so much that you can't hate them, do you get that?" he asked.

I shook my head dumbly.

"You were supposed to say 'yes' even if you didn't get it. I can't believe this, you always ruin it whenever I give an emotional speech! I'm not saying it! Screw you!" he said outraged and turned away from me and crossed his arms.

"I am kidding. Continue, I totally understand!" I said mock seriously.

He cleared his throat. Probably thought that I was being serious or decided to ignore it.

"When he does something unforgivable to you, and you are the reason for it, it just makes you feel terrible, so you try to hide it, conceals it as they did that to you because you hurt them, so eventually you'll end up protecting them, because you're guilty, because they did that because of you"

Whoa, I think he used more 'because' in the sentence than I have I used in a day

"That doesn't make any sense, just because I have a chocolate and I refuse to give it to you doesn't mean you have to steal one, and expects me to forgive"

"Tell that to the stupid fuck head" he muttered under his breath.

"Is the fuck head female or male?" I asked trying to joke.

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